I just picked up a relatively healthy Aqua Mouse at the shop. I'm sooooooooo happy. As it turns out, something was wrong with the shifting cable and it wasn't able to properly lock in park. This was, as a safety feature, preventing the car from starting. Best news, this time, it only cost me $40!!!! I think that needs to go down in the record books as the least amount of money I have ever paid when taking my car in for repairs. Sweet! So, to all of you that have been so kind as to give me rides during the last 3 weeks, I am most grateful. You know I will return the favor any time! Ciao.
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/10/2005 19:18 #25252
aqua mouse returns, again!Category: car woes
11/09/2005 15:17 #25251
cohort claptrapCategory: photos
I went to a gathering with (mostly) members of my Canisius program cohort. It was really nice to get to chill with them outside the context of the classroom. Here are a few photos of the nonsense that ensued once the Tooters and Jell-o shots came out. Yes Tooters, (e:Ladycroft)’s favorite test-tube treat! We missed all ya'll that couldn't make it. Enjoy.

me and my hilbert homie lori

amanda, me, alicia and lori

a tooters toast to cspa class of 2007

aj and cristina

annie, jen and alicia

amanda and me

loquacious lindsay crying over issues with her nachos

me, alicia and amanada

me taking a photo of this cool infinity candle thing

here comes jen with the jell-o shots


lindsay crying over issues with her jell-o shot

anisha and kelly bustin moves

linsday, me and jen: starting to get silly


jen setting up a game

me, annie and jen: now silly

lindsay is schnockered

me and annie: still going

aj says: have a nice day

malcom says: those fools are hammered

annie knows he's right

me and kelly: afraid of something perhaps?

alicia and jen: hey baby!

me and anisha: chillin

kelly says: what's this timika?

it's my uber cool glowing sea creature!


me, annie and alicia: i don't know...

the group

me and my hilbert homie lori

amanda, me, alicia and lori

a tooters toast to cspa class of 2007

aj and cristina

annie, jen and alicia

amanda and me

loquacious lindsay crying over issues with her nachos

me, alicia and amanada

me taking a photo of this cool infinity candle thing

here comes jen with the jell-o shots


lindsay crying over issues with her jell-o shot

anisha and kelly bustin moves

linsday, me and jen: starting to get silly


jen setting up a game

me, annie and jen: now silly

lindsay is schnockered

me and annie: still going

aj says: have a nice day

malcom says: those fools are hammered

annie knows he's right

me and kelly: afraid of something perhaps?

alicia and jen: hey baby!

me and anisha: chillin

kelly says: what's this timika?

it's my uber cool glowing sea creature!


me, annie and alicia: i don't know...

the group
11/05/2005 13:02 #25250
lemons, lemons, lemonsCategory: depressed
So, my joy in only spending $200 to fix my car was short lived. Yep, you guessed it, Aqua Mouse won’t start. One start to get it home and now it’s dead in the parking lot. I could cry. I could scream. But I remember reading a quote by (e:Jason), that when life hands you lemons say, “Hey, WTF is this” and throw them at people!!! Yah, I think I’ll skip the crying, skip the screaming and just go straight into throwing. If you see a woman skillfully beaning people in the head with lemons, seek shelter.
metalpeter - 11/05/05 16:45
First of all that is a great quote by (e:jason). That also might explain why my window is all sticky and coverd with lemon peal, :-) nice arm. Seriously if I where you I would go where ever you had it fixed (maybe with a baseball bat and some friends) and demand that they fix it for free since they charged you and the car died again. Either that or they give you $200 back. I don't know the entrie story but someone needs to pay for a job that was not done correctly and it isn't you who should have to.
First of all that is a great quote by (e:jason). That also might explain why my window is all sticky and coverd with lemon peal, :-) nice arm. Seriously if I where you I would go where ever you had it fixed (maybe with a baseball bat and some friends) and demand that they fix it for free since they charged you and the car died again. Either that or they give you $200 back. I don't know the entrie story but someone needs to pay for a job that was not done correctly and it isn't you who should have to.
leetee - 11/05/05 13:46
(((((((((( Ladycroft )))))))))))))))
And a big wet ugly raspberry to you, Aqua Mouse!
(((((((((( Ladycroft )))))))))))))))
And a big wet ugly raspberry to you, Aqua Mouse!
11/09/2005 15:59 #25249
aqua mouse returns!Category: pets
My dad picked me up after work and took me home so I could pick up my car. It's fixed, hurray! It only cost me $200. The old problems are still there, but the fact that it starts and is running, well that's just peachy. He also got the blinkers to work properly. Now it's time to detail Aqua Mouse with glittering letters. Maybe I should do it tomorrow while it's supposed to be another lovely fall day.
Since I was right near my house I took an hour of my day to chill with my little Bambi. I love her so much. I feel so sad when I go see her, knowing that we both miss Twigi so much, and now that my mom is off visiting my pregnant sister down in Mississippi, she's all alone all day. Poor thing was giving me sugar for 30 minutes, non-stop! Not that I'm complaining, it's not like I'm getting sugar from anyone else!

Since I was right near my house I took an hour of my day to chill with my little Bambi. I love her so much. I feel so sad when I go see her, knowing that we both miss Twigi so much, and now that my mom is off visiting my pregnant sister down in Mississippi, she's all alone all day. Poor thing was giving me sugar for 30 minutes, non-stop! Not that I'm complaining, it's not like I'm getting sugar from anyone else!

10/31/2005 22:41 #25248
Happy Halloween Ya'llCategory: photos
I'm busy finishing a mid-term due by midnight, but I wanted to send out Happy Halloween wishes to all!

I donned one of my renaissance outfits for daytime wear. I was happy to see a few of my classmates dressed up as well. Lucky I brought my camera along!

I know everyone has already seen my outfit, but I managed to make a few adjustments yesterday which really improved the overall quality. I painted my chest plate red, coloured my arm cannon the proper bluish-green, and added a green tinted visor to my helmet. People thought I was really intimidating, so I guess it worked! Ciao.

I donned one of my renaissance outfits for daytime wear. I was happy to see a few of my classmates dressed up as well. Lucky I brought my camera along!

I know everyone has already seen my outfit, but I managed to make a few adjustments yesterday which really improved the overall quality. I painted my chest plate red, coloured my arm cannon the proper bluish-green, and added a green tinted visor to my helmet. People thought I was really intimidating, so I guess it worked! Ciao.
judy - 11/01/05 19:51
Ladycroft, Again thanks for Halloween party photos. I thought of u all that nite & looks like u had a great time. Boo from Judy
Ladycroft, Again thanks for Halloween party photos. I thought of u all that nite & looks like u had a great time. Boo from Judy
ladycroft - 11/01/05 17:12
No, it's just some plastic sheets the kids spray painted to make the recreation room look 'spooky'.
No, it's just some plastic sheets the kids spray painted to make the recreation room look 'spooky'.
paul - 11/01/05 12:27
What is the background in the bottom pic. Is it the sheet you spray painted over?
What is the background in the bottom pic. Is it the sheet you spray painted over?
He thought it was the neutral safety switch. That is what was replaced last time.
what was wrong and fixed the first time?? We knew that the shifting cable had an issue from when I called AAA at party city that night.. and the tow guy assessed it as that.
That is aweosme, I never had any car thing cost $40. Maybe an oil change.