holy big ass burrito batman!

my favorite, the tobin bridge

me and brian with his skeleton baby and jimmy's head in the corner

me and laura with a kiss from jimmy

jeannine, me, dan, laura and brian - heading out for the night

me and dan at a clever little eatery

this tool actually controls the heat in laura's car - scary

i just like it

my friend had a saltwater tank so i took this for (e:matthew)

next day mark and laura dragged me to a pokemon convention

we waited in this massive line so they could get a secret leaf? i don't know.

timika and mark are no match for super giant pikachu

after waiting in another big line, the technician lost laura's game - can you see the sadness in her pikachu eyes?

i tried to capture some of new england's fine foliage on my drive home

then the weather turned to shit

then my pop exploded all over my crotch making it look like i wet myself
nice pics from Boston
we have plenty to catch up on. Give me a call soon, ok?
First of all I'm going to comment on both your posts. I can't imagine driving from Buffalo to mexico. I can't imagine being in a car for that long. Secondly that is a cool looking bridge, I wish Buffalo would just build one like that instead of all the politicing.
those pics are cute...looks like u had a good time...the giant pikachu scurrrs me :)