Taking a break from making signs for my brother's wedding. Glitter everywhere! I noticed (e:Jessbob) and (e:Jason) had done a humor test. I had to join in the fun, even if my results make me seem like a freakish pervert. Ciao.
The Shock Jock (60% dark, 56% spontaneous, 55% vulgar)
Your humor style: VULGAR | SPONTANEOUS | DARK
Your sense of humor is off-the-cuff and kind of gross. Is it is also sinister, cynical, and vaguely threatening to the purer folks of this world, and you probably gets off on that. You would cut a greasy fart, and then blame it on your mom and then just shrug when someone pointed out that she's dead.
Yours is hands-down the most outrageous sense of humor; you like things trangressive and hardcore. It's highly likely (a) you have no limits (b) you have no scruples and (c) you have no job. Ironically, it's your type of humor that can make the biggest bucks in show business.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 61% on dark
You scored higher than 69% on spontaneous
You scored higher than 69% on vulgar
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/28/2005 00:06 #25214
everbody else is doing itCategory: quizzes
07/26/2005 13:01 #25213
auntie mika rulesCategory: family
Just got word this morning, I’m going to have a nephew! It will be nice to have a little person in my life that I’m actually related to. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Goddaughter, she’s a cutie pie, it will just be super fun to be called Auntie Mika – and really be the Aunt! I’m already envisioning all the cool things we’ll do when he’s big enough. All the things his parents won’t let him do, count on Auntie Mika to make it happen. Do they have baby bungee? Ha-ha. I think most everyone is lucky enough to have that one super fly aunt or uncle that rocks the house. That’s my plan, Lady Croft, professor, Adventuring 101.
I finally got that grease out of my white pants. [inlink]ladycroft,23[/inlink] Amazing eh? Oxi Clean to the rescue! I still have to do some mending to the damage zones, but the white cargos will dance once more.
Looking forward to meeting many new folks on Saturday, hope to see you there! Ciao.
I finally got that grease out of my white pants. [inlink]ladycroft,23[/inlink] Amazing eh? Oxi Clean to the rescue! I still have to do some mending to the damage zones, but the white cargos will dance once more.
Looking forward to meeting many new folks on Saturday, hope to see you there! Ciao.
07/21/2005 01:48 #25212
potpourriI took the green machine out for a spin last night. I was so excited to have my new tires on. I took about 6 pedals, started to cross a big intersection and BAM – there goes my chain! Did I ever mention I have an interesting history with bicycles? The chain was fixed and we were on the road again. Moving along, everything is peachy. We get to the park, I’m cruising along and WHAM – my freaking pant leg got wrapped in the chain and almost flipped me off my seat! I was stuck, completely and utterly stuck in my chain! Luckily (e:DrChlorine) was there to save the day and free me from my greasy prison. Thanks Dr.C.! Anyone know how to get grease out of white pants!? 8*

Bambi has been draggin her tail the last 2 weeks since the death of her 'sister' Twigi. To add to her despondency, I had to take her to the vet today to have a lump removed from her neck. I didn't realize I'd be getting a Frankepoochie when I picked her up this afternoon! She's got 3 staples lodged in her neck over a seriously large cut. She gave me the cold snout when I picked her up, she doesn't even want to 'speak' to me right now. Our four legged allies have such personality.
Lastly, I finally got my sound loaded, so go check it out – it’s hot! Ciao.

Bambi has been draggin her tail the last 2 weeks since the death of her 'sister' Twigi. To add to her despondency, I had to take her to the vet today to have a lump removed from her neck. I didn't realize I'd be getting a Frankepoochie when I picked her up this afternoon! She's got 3 staples lodged in her neck over a seriously large cut. She gave me the cold snout when I picked her up, she doesn't even want to 'speak' to me right now. Our four legged allies have such personality.
Lastly, I finally got my sound loaded, so go check it out – it’s hot! Ciao.
paul - 07/21/05 01:48
I like your usersound
I like your usersound
07/18/2005 22:16 #25211
a pair of star-crossed loversI finally got to see ‘Romeo & Juliet’ at Shakespeare in Delaware Park last night. I love Shakespeare, I love being outside, I love theatre; smashing combination. Most of the cast was good, but I must give a big bravo for Paul Todaro who played Mercutio. He was outstanding! It’s neat to think some 400 odd years ago, people were sitting about the stage listening to the very same words that fell upon my ears. Isn’t that amazing? I took this photo, it seemed appropriate.

When Shakespeare was done I went in search of sustenance. Pizza was attempted, but everything seems to close so early. I ended up grabbing some spinach and rice at Pano’s. Tasty. At 12:30 there was an interesting procession of about 3 dozen bicyclers cruising down Elmwood. Little bells ringing, streamers flapping, squeaky horns honking… can anyone fill me in on this? Ciao.

When Shakespeare was done I went in search of sustenance. Pizza was attempted, but everything seems to close so early. I ended up grabbing some spinach and rice at Pano’s. Tasty. At 12:30 there was an interesting procession of about 3 dozen bicyclers cruising down Elmwood. Little bells ringing, streamers flapping, squeaky horns honking… can anyone fill me in on this? Ciao.
jason - 07/18/05 22:16
Paul's my neighbor. Cool guy.
Paul's my neighbor. Cool guy.
07/15/2005 22:45 #25210
random drinkCategory: drinks
I really wanted a Heineken but I stupidly left them all at my friend's house. What to do, what to do. All I had at home was a bottle of vanilla vodka, but I didn't want it straight. So I took a nice tall glass of ice water and added a shot. Holy YUM Batman! Who knew? Ciao.
mike - 07/15/05 22:45
oddly enough, i have been forced to do that too when all I had was vanilla vodka and water in the house...not as bad as it sounds
oddly enough, i have been forced to do that too when all I had was vanilla vodka and water in the house...not as bad as it sounds
Nah. Your humor is about the same as mine... except I'm 6% more vulgar! Ha.