- Positivity***
It is a good thing that the Violent Femmes are playing in August at the Square.
Work is fun now that I don't hate my boss. We all laugh a lot more during the day now.
Band is forming. Writing stuff is power awesome. (incognito name = The CandyCane Stripers. Don't tell!)
Weekends for the summer are allready filling up with fun shit.
- Dumbness***
I am super fucking stupid.
Eg: Last week I needed to get more TP as I was on the reserve roll.
Fucking TP: its a very basic staple. Rather necessary, and when you get low you really shan't dawdle.
So I trucked down to the store, jamming out, thinking about stuff, and talking to people on the phone.
This was enough distraction for me to forget my original intention.
I came back to my place with Cool Whip (among other things) but no TP!
Fuck! I certainly did not require Cool Whip, nor anyother kind of Whip yet the one thing I did in fact require was not purchased! ERROR! If I was a goldfish I would be flushed down a toilet allready.
I am a dumb bastard with no concept of time. Not unlike a lobotomized cocker spaniel, I have no concept of 'tomorrow'.
Its always today in my balsa wood brain, and taxes, bills, laundry, etc can always be put of till 'tomorrow'.
Hit me with a bat.
yeah me too. The femmes were one of the first concents I saw, in a teeny tiny little hole of a bar. And keep the posts coming... always good for a chuckle.
I love the Violent Femmes!