Kookcity2000's Journal
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05/22/2006 23:19 #25111
captain's log, supplementalOK so time can hit in (3) ways.
This is when time just keeps wrapping back on itself.
You can keep going and going, but the faster you go, the faster stuff repeats.
Tip: chill out in the hamster wheel, read good books, get enough sleep, and enjoy the scenery cause the ride sucks sometimes.
Similar to [A], but different topology.
It doesn't matter where you are on the ladder: theres always an eternity above and below you.
Consider: doesn't it ever seem weird to look back at, say, the 1950's and check out what they thought was ultra-modern. A lot of it seems ultra-silly now, but trust me, we (2000's) are going to look dang ridiculous in 60 years. Such is life on chutes & ladders.
Tip: chill out in the hamster wheel, read good books, get enough sleep, and enjoy the scenery cause the ride sucks sometimes.
Ever feel like you're on the nosecone of a rocket hurtling through space(time)? My friend you are riding on the wave of the future. There is no AAA guide to where you are going.
Welcome to the frontier....of the future!
Right so thing about the above. I might not be a good writer (or explainer) but I think that helps describe a lot of stuff about the human condition. We can expand upon that at a later date.
I want to close tonight in saying that I am pretty sure that the blue-jean pant is to the human ass as the electric guitar is to rock and roll.
Think about it.
05/22/2006 19:59 #25110
pow(word,your mother);I had a dream last night about a bird woman.
Actually it was a bird (like an ostrich? or maybe another flightless bird) that became anthropomorphic and kept changing into a lady.
At first I was on the floor and afraid of being trampled by the giant bird lady, but as she became more human, she grew a female ass.
I started to work on her, but she turned around. With a big beak head.
Then I woke up and realized I was late for work.
Actually it was a bird (like an ostrich? or maybe another flightless bird) that became anthropomorphic and kept changing into a lady.
At first I was on the floor and afraid of being trampled by the giant bird lady, but as she became more human, she grew a female ass.
I started to work on her, but she turned around. With a big beak head.
Then I woke up and realized I was late for work.
05/17/2006 23:34 #25109
YOU CAN NOT FUCK WITH THIS BANDOne time, a few months ago, I was at a popular local bar with a friend. (Coles)
She got me a drink, it was supposed to be a White Russian.
But the dude got the container of milk mixed up with a container of orange juice.
To be honest, it was delicious.
I named the new drink the 'Orange Drool-ius'
She told me it was a wussy name.
I renamed it 'Plutonium & Lead' because "Plutonium and Lead would kick anyone's ass."
She got me a drink, it was supposed to be a White Russian.
But the dude got the container of milk mixed up with a container of orange juice.
To be honest, it was delicious.
I named the new drink the 'Orange Drool-ius'
She told me it was a wussy name.
I renamed it 'Plutonium & Lead' because "Plutonium and Lead would kick anyone's ass."
jenks - 05/22/06 20:12
I had a shot once called a Tootsie Roll that was just kahlua and OJ. No vodka though. Tasted surprisingly like a tootsie roll.
I had a shot once called a Tootsie Roll that was just kahlua and OJ. No vodka though. Tasted surprisingly like a tootsie roll.
05/16/2006 23:49 #25108
yeah- Positivity***
It is a good thing that the Violent Femmes are playing in August at the Square.
Work is fun now that I don't hate my boss. We all laugh a lot more during the day now.
Band is forming. Writing stuff is power awesome. (incognito name = The CandyCane Stripers. Don't tell!)
Weekends for the summer are allready filling up with fun shit.
- Dumbness***
I am super fucking stupid.
Eg: Last week I needed to get more TP as I was on the reserve roll.
Fucking TP: its a very basic staple. Rather necessary, and when you get low you really shan't dawdle.
So I trucked down to the store, jamming out, thinking about stuff, and talking to people on the phone.
This was enough distraction for me to forget my original intention.
I came back to my place with Cool Whip (among other things) but no TP!
Fuck! I certainly did not require Cool Whip, nor anyother kind of Whip yet the one thing I did in fact require was not purchased! ERROR! If I was a goldfish I would be flushed down a toilet allready.
I am a dumb bastard with no concept of time. Not unlike a lobotomized cocker spaniel, I have no concept of 'tomorrow'.
Its always today in my balsa wood brain, and taxes, bills, laundry, etc can always be put of till 'tomorrow'.
Hit me with a bat.
05/15/2006 21:54 #25107
TITSholy shit I am so happy with the schedule for the Square this summer.
More at 11
More at 11
Thanks. I believe it was at the Minnesota station, but it was a couple years ago so I don't recal.
I like your new user pic. Is that Humboldt Hospital Station?