Hi, I'm new: let me explain why I'm here.
After I lost a job in Novemeber, I got a really easy temp assignment at the 'Factory'. It was so easy that I was done (2) months ahead of schedule. Of course I didn't tell them that, and I alwasy looked busy. I spent my remaining days on the internet.
So I had ~40 hours a week to look at the internet, which led me to this fine establishment. The one-way nature of not having an account, and reading all the stuff here, made me feel like a creep. Too voyeuristic.
So here it is! An account!. I pledge to reduce my creep co-efficient by positing! Stuff! About me!
Oh yeah, the 'Factory' hired me. I guess they didn't know about all internet business.
Kookcity2000's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/27/2006 23:05 #25098
Hi, I'm newCategory: fantastic
yeah that's kind of why I joined... Saw some peeps out one night and recognized them, and realized they had no idea who I was, and I felt like a stalker. So, welcome creep-no-more!
Welcome to (e:strip), kookcity! :O)