So I'd been planning on a nice quiet weekend full of lots of studying, but then suddenly I grew a pair and gave the boy the old heave-ho. Which was kind of traumatic. And brought about insistant invitations for imbibition. So after a bit of a fiasco of a dinner at sahara grill (food was mediocre at best and service was pretty terrible), (e:ladycroft) and I parted ways and I met some people at at Colter Bay, and we eventually migrated to Mother's. It was a blah night. I can't lie, I would not have been opposed to a little attention from the boys, might have even been willing to give out some digits... Even wore my favorite sexy bra "just in case". Silly me- I should know by now that wearing sexy underwear is a guarantee that I will go home alone.
So it was an ok night. I was sort of expecting lots of shots, etc. But no. Pretty tame. Conversation was inevitably medical, which gets old pretty fast- especially for the poor non-medical people involved. Now, I enjoy talking about shopping and makeup etc, but I realized- I need more boy-friends. not boyfriends (well that too), but male friends...
In college I didn't really date anyone, and my group of friends was largely guys. It was awesome. Then mostly guys again in DC. Then in New Orleans I dated the same guy for 3 years, and that was my life. Then in Chicago was the first time I really had girlfriends. And it was fun. Kind of a new experience... Then my first year in Buffalo was spent with the ex. And now I'm single again. And need people to go out with. And I find I have mostly girlfriends. Which is great. But sometimes I don't want to TALK about everything. I just want to drink and tell dirty jokes and play games... to be one of the guys.
I guess my point is- I find myself with some slots open in my friend roster.
Any takers? Tryouts will be held over wings and beer.
And now, time for a (hopefully) dreamless, tearless sleep...
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/21/2006 04:52 #23771
friendsCategory: drunk
01/20/2006 18:35 #23770
you guys rock.Category: mush
Ok, even by my standards this is probably over the top, so I'll keep it short.
I woke up from my nap to 6 comments, 2 emails and 2 voicemails. Dinner invites, drink invites...
I love my friends.
Means so much to me that old friends, new friends, and people I haven't even met yet are there for me.
So thanks.
You rock.
/end mushfest.
I woke up from my nap to 6 comments, 2 emails and 2 voicemails. Dinner invites, drink invites...
I love my friends.
Means so much to me that old friends, new friends, and people I haven't even met yet are there for me.
So thanks.
You rock.
/end mushfest.
01/20/2006 13:52 #23769
the end.Ok.
I did it.
He's gone.
Hardest thing I've done in a long time.
I'm scared to death.
And I haven't cried this hard in a long time.
But I don't need that shit in my life.
So I'm going to bed now.
But I will probably need some drinks later.
I did it.
He's gone.
Hardest thing I've done in a long time.
I'm scared to death.
And I haven't cried this hard in a long time.
But I don't need that shit in my life.
So I'm going to bed now.
But I will probably need some drinks later.
joshua - 01/20/06 17:11
Welcome to the beginning of the next chapter!
Welcome to the beginning of the next chapter!
theecarey - 01/20/06 17:11
Congrats on your stong move. It was over due and much needed. The process of getting there is more difficult than any after effects. From here on out, I know you will be just fine, and you know it too. *hugs*
Congrats on your stong move. It was over due and much needed. The process of getting there is more difficult than any after effects. From here on out, I know you will be just fine, and you know it too. *hugs*
ajay - 01/20/06 16:10
"I'm scared to death."
Don't be. I know it is hard to cut ties like this, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
You'll do just fine.
"I'm scared to death."
Don't be. I know it is hard to cut ties like this, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
You'll do just fine.
salvatore - 01/20/06 14:34
you're stellar!
you're stellar!
ladycroft - 01/20/06 13:55
You go! You'll feel great about it soon enough :)
You go! You'll feel great about it soon enough :)
01/20/2006 00:13 #23768
cutie-patootiesCategory: boys
I love when boys are adorable...
One of my friends at work is getting ready to propose to his GF. he's so cute, she's so cute... he's so nervous and in love. And I feel so lucky to be part of the secret plan (i have to provide some cover and some transportation.) Aww...
And my med student is so cute too. Well one of them- the other one makes me nuts. But stud #1 is first of all married. and devoted and talks about his wife all the time. but beyond that is just nice and funny and eager... always offering to help, "what can i do how can i help", but not in a kiss-ass way. So sincere... and just a nice guy. the other day held a door for me, and did that 'put his hand gently behind me/on my back to 'guide' me through the door' thing (hard to explain but I hope you know what i mean)- i dunno, just seemed sweet. and I'm not especially attracted to him, but i did feel a little zing with even that little touch. But anyway so tonight we were running around like crazy and he offered to be in charge of ordering dinner. (god I ate so much tzatziki! yum.) But so he picked it up and took it upstairs and paged me to say it was ready. i had to finish a few things, and when I got there he'd set up a little place with paper towels from the bathroom as a napkin, and a little mini soda from the patient kitchen. the only cups they had are like 2 oz- they're ridiculous little shotglass paper cups. so i went in and he had my food laid out with my 'napkins' and the soda poured into four little mini-cups with ice. i dunno... it was just so kind. and nice to be reminded that there are still some nice guys out there (even if they're married).
A+ for stud #1!! hah.
I think (e:Jason) may be onto something with his V:Day idea. maybe a party is called for. but not a stupid 'we hate vday and are bitter' party- just a plain old party. but let the girls get all dolled up... that would be fun. i'm not really a girly-girl, which makes it all the more fun to wear a great dress and get all made up once in a while, maybe even dig out the hair dryer...
totally random, but a bit for any other tv geeks out there- just got this link from my dad; must say i'm pretty psyched.
i feel like i had more to say, but my mind is in an annoying caffeine-racing state.
And as my mom always said 'if you can't remember it, it was either a lie or not important.' (or maybe just boring.)
So I think I will adjourn.
Baci e Abbracci,
One of my friends at work is getting ready to propose to his GF. he's so cute, she's so cute... he's so nervous and in love. And I feel so lucky to be part of the secret plan (i have to provide some cover and some transportation.) Aww...
And my med student is so cute too. Well one of them- the other one makes me nuts. But stud #1 is first of all married. and devoted and talks about his wife all the time. but beyond that is just nice and funny and eager... always offering to help, "what can i do how can i help", but not in a kiss-ass way. So sincere... and just a nice guy. the other day held a door for me, and did that 'put his hand gently behind me/on my back to 'guide' me through the door' thing (hard to explain but I hope you know what i mean)- i dunno, just seemed sweet. and I'm not especially attracted to him, but i did feel a little zing with even that little touch. But anyway so tonight we were running around like crazy and he offered to be in charge of ordering dinner. (god I ate so much tzatziki! yum.) But so he picked it up and took it upstairs and paged me to say it was ready. i had to finish a few things, and when I got there he'd set up a little place with paper towels from the bathroom as a napkin, and a little mini soda from the patient kitchen. the only cups they had are like 2 oz- they're ridiculous little shotglass paper cups. so i went in and he had my food laid out with my 'napkins' and the soda poured into four little mini-cups with ice. i dunno... it was just so kind. and nice to be reminded that there are still some nice guys out there (even if they're married).
A+ for stud #1!! hah.
I think (e:Jason) may be onto something with his V:Day idea. maybe a party is called for. but not a stupid 'we hate vday and are bitter' party- just a plain old party. but let the girls get all dolled up... that would be fun. i'm not really a girly-girl, which makes it all the more fun to wear a great dress and get all made up once in a while, maybe even dig out the hair dryer...
totally random, but a bit for any other tv geeks out there- just got this link from my dad; must say i'm pretty psyched.

i feel like i had more to say, but my mind is in an annoying caffeine-racing state.
And as my mom always said 'if you can't remember it, it was either a lie or not important.' (or maybe just boring.)
So I think I will adjourn.
Baci e Abbracci,
01/18/2006 22:46 #23767
Penises.Category: work
Well, it seems the ante has been upped.
So... Work is still tiring. And long and hard (unlike other parts of my life- har har). Today I did 8 operations. Some lifesaving, some not. But I got out at a reasonable hour. Came home, indulged in some chocolate, had a nice long chat with girlfriends... Watched lost... ahh, simple pleasures. Again I didn't study, which is contributing to my guilt-ulcer, but eh, I'll deal with that later.
But so operating today, plus my current drama, plus girl chat, plus talk of stripclubs got me thinking...
about what? What else do girls talk about. penises. duh.
Guys- just so you know, if you are in any significant (or sometimes insignificant) trauma and are taken to ECMC (or anywhere for that matter)- there is a very high chance you will have your clothes cut off. All of them. And a pretty good chance you will have a foley (urinary) catheter placed. Into your bladder, via your penis. This is a routine, minor task, often delegated the med student. In front of a few nurses and maybe even female surgical residents like yours truly. But the rectal exam is too advanced for students, so I get that job. So while I am of course the consummate professional, I usually have to check out your package. And for the record- what they say about black guys is true, in general.
But so the boring-routine-workday part of the story...
We (surgeons) fix hernias. A lot of them. Every day. Umbilical hernias, incisional hernias, and mostly inguinal (groin) hernias. Obviously to do this we have to expose your groin. And we have to make sure it's not just clean, but sterile. [which brings me to a random tangent PSA- please clean out your bellybutton lint before elective laparascopic surgery, or else we will have to.] So after you are put to sleep, we will take your gown off. And then we will scrub the whole area with betadine. then we cover most of you back up, except a little sterile square where we will work. Then we go about our business and fix your hernia. When we are done, we clean up our mess. Which includes scrubbing off the excess betadine. Now like I said, you are asleep through this. And we are professionals and do it day in and day out.
But as the most junior person in the OR (usually), I end up with the clean-up task.
And i swear, every time the moment comes that I have your dick in one hand, holding it up out of the way, scrubbing the betadine off your balls- you wake up.
The guy always wakes up with me scrubbing his junk. Lovely. Maybe it's just the cold water that does it, but I think the anesthesiologists just like to embarrass me and time it that way on purpose. Fortunately the amnesiac effect lasts a little longer, and I don't think you remember this. I can only remember a guy getting hard on me once. Not sure if that's a commentary on the anesthesia, or how I look in scrubs and a mask.
But once I did a varicose vein case- and the guy didn't want general anesthesia. Fine, reasonable choice. But that means he's pretty awake. And we had to prep his ENTIRE leg with betadine. Up into his groin. Again, the job falls to me. start with his foot, calf, knee, all fine. But eventually i have to move higher- and I end up with his foot on my shoulder, while I scrub his crotch, while he is awake. All I could think was "poor guy, bet you wish you were asleep now."
And how perfect- as I typed that the Ying Yang twins came on. "wait'll you see my dick. beat the puss up, beat the puss up."
I don't have anything to add about the ex today. It still all sucks. Nuff said.
But haha, the song switched and now I have SNZ- "when you lose the one you love, there's always plenty more!" I think it's a sign.
I don't really have anything political to contribute either.
Well here's something- Ray Nagin (mayor of new orleans) is a jackass for this "chocolate city" crap, and then trying to backpedal and say "well how do you make chocolate? dark chocolate plus white milk! that's what I meant". dumb-ass.
And I haven't bought any custom or designer clothes in a long time. Though I did find a fantastic grey silk strapless dress over christmas. It's hot. I just need somewhere to wear it.
But the bottom line is- I post because it feels good to write. I don't consider myself a writer, and while I have been accused of having a wit, I don't really try to be entertaining. I write for me. And if people like reading it, well then great. But if you don't like it, if I'm too boring, it won't break my heart if you pass me by...
G'night peeps!
So... Work is still tiring. And long and hard (unlike other parts of my life- har har). Today I did 8 operations. Some lifesaving, some not. But I got out at a reasonable hour. Came home, indulged in some chocolate, had a nice long chat with girlfriends... Watched lost... ahh, simple pleasures. Again I didn't study, which is contributing to my guilt-ulcer, but eh, I'll deal with that later.
But so operating today, plus my current drama, plus girl chat, plus talk of stripclubs got me thinking...
about what? What else do girls talk about. penises. duh.
Guys- just so you know, if you are in any significant (or sometimes insignificant) trauma and are taken to ECMC (or anywhere for that matter)- there is a very high chance you will have your clothes cut off. All of them. And a pretty good chance you will have a foley (urinary) catheter placed. Into your bladder, via your penis. This is a routine, minor task, often delegated the med student. In front of a few nurses and maybe even female surgical residents like yours truly. But the rectal exam is too advanced for students, so I get that job. So while I am of course the consummate professional, I usually have to check out your package. And for the record- what they say about black guys is true, in general.
But so the boring-routine-workday part of the story...
We (surgeons) fix hernias. A lot of them. Every day. Umbilical hernias, incisional hernias, and mostly inguinal (groin) hernias. Obviously to do this we have to expose your groin. And we have to make sure it's not just clean, but sterile. [which brings me to a random tangent PSA- please clean out your bellybutton lint before elective laparascopic surgery, or else we will have to.] So after you are put to sleep, we will take your gown off. And then we will scrub the whole area with betadine. then we cover most of you back up, except a little sterile square where we will work. Then we go about our business and fix your hernia. When we are done, we clean up our mess. Which includes scrubbing off the excess betadine. Now like I said, you are asleep through this. And we are professionals and do it day in and day out.
But as the most junior person in the OR (usually), I end up with the clean-up task.
And i swear, every time the moment comes that I have your dick in one hand, holding it up out of the way, scrubbing the betadine off your balls- you wake up.
The guy always wakes up with me scrubbing his junk. Lovely. Maybe it's just the cold water that does it, but I think the anesthesiologists just like to embarrass me and time it that way on purpose. Fortunately the amnesiac effect lasts a little longer, and I don't think you remember this. I can only remember a guy getting hard on me once. Not sure if that's a commentary on the anesthesia, or how I look in scrubs and a mask.
But once I did a varicose vein case- and the guy didn't want general anesthesia. Fine, reasonable choice. But that means he's pretty awake. And we had to prep his ENTIRE leg with betadine. Up into his groin. Again, the job falls to me. start with his foot, calf, knee, all fine. But eventually i have to move higher- and I end up with his foot on my shoulder, while I scrub his crotch, while he is awake. All I could think was "poor guy, bet you wish you were asleep now."
And how perfect- as I typed that the Ying Yang twins came on. "wait'll you see my dick. beat the puss up, beat the puss up."
I don't have anything to add about the ex today. It still all sucks. Nuff said.
But haha, the song switched and now I have SNZ- "when you lose the one you love, there's always plenty more!" I think it's a sign.
I don't really have anything political to contribute either.
Well here's something- Ray Nagin (mayor of new orleans) is a jackass for this "chocolate city" crap, and then trying to backpedal and say "well how do you make chocolate? dark chocolate plus white milk! that's what I meant". dumb-ass.
And I haven't bought any custom or designer clothes in a long time. Though I did find a fantastic grey silk strapless dress over christmas. It's hot. I just need somewhere to wear it.
But the bottom line is- I post because it feels good to write. I don't consider myself a writer, and while I have been accused of having a wit, I don't really try to be entertaining. I write for me. And if people like reading it, well then great. But if you don't like it, if I'm too boring, it won't break my heart if you pass me by...
G'night peeps!
metalpeter - 01/19/06 18:40
I don't know why but for some reason that post is hot. I never thought working in the ER you would see so many that catherder thing sounds like it would hurt.
I don't know why but for some reason that post is hot. I never thought working in the ER you would see so many that catherder thing sounds like it would hurt.
ajay - 01/19/06 12:08
Are you saying that the only way (e:peeps) can get some lovin' is if they show up at the ER?
Hmm... I wonder if Mercy Flight serves the Bay Area? (strokes chin)
Are you saying that the only way (e:peeps) can get some lovin' is if they show up at the ER?
Hmm... I wonder if Mercy Flight serves the Bay Area? (strokes chin)
theecarey - 01/18/06 23:35
We need more penis posts around here. I guess thats the going thing. You rock. Girl, the lap dance is on me. I mean, I'll spring for one..shit, I mean, I will purchase a naked boy to shake,wiggle and sweat on your lap; and a beer as well.
We need more penis posts around here. I guess thats the going thing. You rock. Girl, the lap dance is on me. I mean, I'll spring for one..shit, I mean, I will purchase a naked boy to shake,wiggle and sweat on your lap; and a beer as well.
paul - 01/18/06 23:20
I think this was about the most scandalous journal we have seen in a long time. I love it.
I think this was about the most scandalous journal we have seen in a long time. I love it.
Firstly when you got the bill you should have asked for the manager. A waiter or waitress will not give you food for free, you have to get someone a step up, and complain to them (in a nice way). I take that back good resturants will offer not to charge you, if the food is bad. I have been to returants where they said since I didn't like the food they would give it to me for free. The times that it has happenend to me it wasn't that the food was bad, it was something I tried but just didn't like.
On the friends bit. Yeah trying out would be cool. But to be honest I would just wind up not calling you (even though you look better then most of my friends) just like I never call them. Wings are awesome, but I never really go out much other then to Concerts, Sports and Movies. I'm sure you will have no problem finding Boy Friends and boyfriends, ok take care.
Yes. :)
Yah, the food was shite last night. Everything was off. I really think that girl just scraped your fries off your wrong order and dumped them on a little plate for me.
I'm a guy and I have to give you my totally objective opinion on this: I'm amazing, like so much thunder. Me and you and Ladycroft will drink and play darts some day! Or better yet, my friend's band is playing the Led Zeppelin tribute at Nietszche's this week, we could all go to that.
agreed, but falafal bar was way too crowded, so we decided to give sahara a second chance. first the waitress just brought me the completely wrong thing, and forgot timika's fries. then by the time she brought my right food- everyone else was totally finished eating. they thought i'd eaten- didn't realize i hadn't even gotten my food yet. and then- no discount at all on the bill. i thought she should have given me mine for free. but whatever, it was like $5. But still, a disappointing experience.
p.s. auditions can be open for guys and for girls-who-can-handle-being-one-of-the-guys-and-aren't-offended-by-dirty-jokes-and-sex-talk-and-like-non-froofy-drinks.
What's going on up there? (e:peeps), I fully expect you to be lining up for the auditions starting TODAY!
-- signed, Dr. Lurve
PS: Sahara Grill is mediocre indeed. Falafel Bar is much better.
phew... I woke up this morning and thought "oh god, what sort of shit did I drunkenly post last night?" Fortunately I don't think it's anything too offensive or off the wall.
Take shower, but dont shave, then go out-- You are gauranteed to get some that night.
I didn't really have female friends until this past year or so. Where I work, there are more females then males. It took awhile to learn how to be 'friends' with a girl..especially co workers (as past jobs were male dominated)- other than my close long time friends that I have had since a kid..I have noticed that some of my guy relationships have changed once they have a serious girlfriend. Ya know, those guys that drop off the planet and won't consort with any other female due to their fear of what the g/f will think.. haha.
but yeh, talking is nice, but it can't be the only thing. Why not drink beer, hoot at guys and tell lewd stories? Now thats the 'girl time' I am talking about.