This is what I plan on doing with my time. Play golf, make money (applying no bullshit moral rules in doing so), and listen to some really good music.
Speaking about good music, Lazlo Hollyfeld is coming out with a new EP. Check out their web site

PS - (e:Aswierat) - Just because someone supports a cause doesn't mean they are necessarily being manipulated into doing so. Using your logic I could make the same claim about anyone supporting any kind of cause. What you've done is relay the same poor excuse I've heard from the left over and over again - No, it can't be that they don't support our ideas! Our ideas are too good! It can't be that it's possible that people think differently than us! It's that they are being manipulated! Yeah! That's it! Now I feel better! I often find myself trying to look through the eyes of a typical leftie, with the intent of understanding why they think like they do. It's the hard thing to do, which is why most people don't have it in them to go through with it. I know you are very smart and have it in you to do this....don't be like the average leftie. Be an above average leftie.