Last night I sat down and watched streaming video of the MLB Congresssional Hearing on steroids. I had no idea it would be so entertaining! The congresspeople really roughed up the MLB guys. These lawyers and executives came in acting arrogantly and thought they could pull the woll over the eyes of Congress. Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong! The various lawmakers all wore this amazing expression on their faces as if to collectively say "Do you really expect us to fall for this crap? Who do you think you are? Do you know how much trouble you're in?" The MLB guys had it really taken to them, and congress told them if they didn't fix the steroid problem NOW that congress would do it for them. Every one of those congresspeople were PISSED OFF...almost to the point of shouting at the MLB guys. I am so happy that congress gave them such a harsh verbal beating....the MLB guys really don't get it. One of the congressmen suggested it was already a problem that congress should address NOW because the MLB people were either too incompetent or unwilling to make the necessary changes in steroid policy. Major League Baseball got seriously beat down and reprimanded. It was a night of feel good television.
Jason's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/18/2005 14:39 #23433
Baseball Congressional Hearing03/17/2005 17:57 #23432
Ajay and JessbobPro life or Pro choice? I've always hated that question because I don't believe in the notion that you have to be either/or. As much as I'd love to, I won't approach this from a partisan angle because both the hard core righties and lefties routinely fuck this up. The media and the lobbying organizations representing both extremes are to blame for the debate being framed this way. They don't want any kind of compromise or common sense policy. They don't want any dialogue. They don't want anyone to come to an agreement because they will never do anything that could result in themselves or their organization becoming less relevant. Every single time I hear about this debate I think "Zzzzzzzzzz" because nobody actually is serious about getting something done - they just want to bully you and force their philosophy down your throat. I would elaborate more but I already know it will be a waste of time.
03/17/2005 13:39 #23431
Jason's View03/15/2005 01:11 #23430
Dumb Political Test03/14/2005 14:17 #23429
Happy Steak and BJ Day!March 14th is Steak and BJ Day!

Show your man the love, appreciation and affection he deserves today! Cook him up a nice steak and give him head that he'll never forget! We really are relatively easy to please. I don't have a woman in my life right now so I may just go get me a steak. Have a happy time today all you couples out there!

Show your man the love, appreciation and affection he deserves today! Cook him up a nice steak and give him head that he'll never forget! We really are relatively easy to please. I don't have a woman in my life right now so I may just go get me a steak. Have a happy time today all you couples out there!