I don't know how someone can be so consistently miserable all the time. Doesn't it get boring writing article after article containing nothing more than an angry rant? Here's a better question - why don't they write about something they actually advocate? Now there's a progressive idea. I'm sick of assholes that have nothing to offer but a bitchfest. I'll say it again - people will tune your fool ass out if all you have to contribute is partisan blather. Do you have it in you to contribute something of value to the process or are you only snipe artists? I'll paraphrase a question that (e:Paul) asked me one day - if it is so horrible here why are you not on a boat to Cuba or France or Denmark or wherever the fuck you want to go? Some people are miserable because of legit medical problems...I can't imagine for the life of me why someone would actually WANT to live that way.
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04/12/2005 12:15 #23441
Some people are masochists04/10/2005 12:29 #23440
$600 = 3 Golf Clubs?Ahh, my new babies. Please no bitching about my photo skillz.

This is what I plan on doing with my time. Play golf, make money (applying no bullshit moral rules in doing so), and listen to some really good music.
Speaking about good music, Lazlo Hollyfeld is coming out with a new EP. Check out their web site
and download some free tunes. I'll lay out the case detailing why you should support them in a later post. Let's just say I'm sick and fucking tired of "hipster" posers listening to the same indie shit, thinking they are cooler than they are. I'm more musically educated than them, smarter than them, infinitely more musically talented, and yes, much much cooler. So listen to me.
PS - (e:Aswierat) - Just because someone supports a cause doesn't mean they are necessarily being manipulated into doing so. Using your logic I could make the same claim about anyone supporting any kind of cause. What you've done is relay the same poor excuse I've heard from the left over and over again - No, it can't be that they don't support our ideas! Our ideas are too good! It can't be that it's possible that people think differently than us! It's that they are being manipulated! Yeah! That's it! Now I feel better! I often find myself trying to look through the eyes of a typical leftie, with the intent of understanding why they think like they do. It's the hard thing to do, which is why most people don't have it in them to go through with it. I know you are very smart and have it in you to do this....don't be like the average leftie. Be an above average leftie.

This is what I plan on doing with my time. Play golf, make money (applying no bullshit moral rules in doing so), and listen to some really good music.
Speaking about good music, Lazlo Hollyfeld is coming out with a new EP. Check out their web site

PS - (e:Aswierat) - Just because someone supports a cause doesn't mean they are necessarily being manipulated into doing so. Using your logic I could make the same claim about anyone supporting any kind of cause. What you've done is relay the same poor excuse I've heard from the left over and over again - No, it can't be that they don't support our ideas! Our ideas are too good! It can't be that it's possible that people think differently than us! It's that they are being manipulated! Yeah! That's it! Now I feel better! I often find myself trying to look through the eyes of a typical leftie, with the intent of understanding why they think like they do. It's the hard thing to do, which is why most people don't have it in them to go through with it. I know you are very smart and have it in you to do this....don't be like the average leftie. Be an above average leftie.
04/09/2005 15:29 #23439
Ditto What Ajay SaidOh my gosh! Could this be the second time in a week I've agreed with Ajay 100% in a post? This calls for a celebration! Ahem....I've been doing my own "research" on the "marketing" on Elmwood recently. That type of advertising works really well on me for some reason.
Oh, and (e:Amanda) - why can't guys and girls just be friends? Because inevitably the guy wants to bone the girl. Hate to be crude but that's the way it works about 3/4 of the time. It reminds me of the time my ex girlfriend had a "friend" who ended up with his hands up her skirt at a wedding reception. Yeah, I'm trying to get over the shame and embarrassment of that still. Anyhow hope this answers your question!
Oh, and (e:Amanda) - why can't guys and girls just be friends? Because inevitably the guy wants to bone the girl. Hate to be crude but that's the way it works about 3/4 of the time. It reminds me of the time my ex girlfriend had a "friend" who ended up with his hands up her skirt at a wedding reception. Yeah, I'm trying to get over the shame and embarrassment of that still. Anyhow hope this answers your question!
04/01/2005 14:46 #23438
Pope Dies! Liberals Rejoice!Just kidding. I thought that in the spirit of celebrating death I would post something about PJP2 passing. Poor bastard. If I'm lucky I'll live as long as he did. If I drank anymore I'd pour out some liquor! Maybe I'll just buy a beer and pour it on the floor of the bar. Yeah, that would be nice.
03/28/2005 05:25 #23437
I'm So TerrifiedNope, can't sleep. There are some new life changes which will be taking effect starting Tuesday. I don't remember ever being this scared in my life. I've performed in front of 3,000 people. I've done a number of things that made me afraid but nothing like this before.
You see all of us have weaknesses and faults. I wish I could tell you guys more but it's very personal, in fact some of it is too personal to put on my blog. Well first of all, (e:Ajay) I'm sorry but I can't have beer with you. Two weeks ago we could have had some laughs over a Guinness but I can't drink alcohol or do drugs anymore. You see I've been doing too much of that over the past few months. That's a problem in and of itself, but the underlying reason for it is what really concerns me. It's about escapism and avoiding real life issues that need to be resolved. It's about trying to find happiness and satisfaction in a bottle or in a bag of weed. It's about enjoying life to the fullest without poisoning my body. Now I'm not saying we can't chill out at the bar sometime. I'd love that, but we'll have to replace my Guinness with a Shirley Temple, or hopefully some other kind of N/A creation of my own.
So starting this week I am making some life changes and doing things to help myself become a better Jason. I'm excited but also so scared I can't sleep a wink. I don't know if I have the kind of discipline and strength it is going to take to straighten me out. I don't know if I can do this. I've never had to do anything so difficult before. I know I'll come out of it on top of my game, but do I have what it takes to get there? Will I enjoy the simple things again? I understand basically all of you will most likely not interact with me in any other way but e-strip, but please please please don't let me slip. I have a feeling I'll need all the help I can find. I'll be posting very bad poetry versions of what's going on in my head from time to time until I'm Pre-2001 Jason again.
You see all of us have weaknesses and faults. I wish I could tell you guys more but it's very personal, in fact some of it is too personal to put on my blog. Well first of all, (e:Ajay) I'm sorry but I can't have beer with you. Two weeks ago we could have had some laughs over a Guinness but I can't drink alcohol or do drugs anymore. You see I've been doing too much of that over the past few months. That's a problem in and of itself, but the underlying reason for it is what really concerns me. It's about escapism and avoiding real life issues that need to be resolved. It's about trying to find happiness and satisfaction in a bottle or in a bag of weed. It's about enjoying life to the fullest without poisoning my body. Now I'm not saying we can't chill out at the bar sometime. I'd love that, but we'll have to replace my Guinness with a Shirley Temple, or hopefully some other kind of N/A creation of my own.
So starting this week I am making some life changes and doing things to help myself become a better Jason. I'm excited but also so scared I can't sleep a wink. I don't know if I have the kind of discipline and strength it is going to take to straighten me out. I don't know if I can do this. I've never had to do anything so difficult before. I know I'll come out of it on top of my game, but do I have what it takes to get there? Will I enjoy the simple things again? I understand basically all of you will most likely not interact with me in any other way but e-strip, but please please please don't let me slip. I have a feeling I'll need all the help I can find. I'll be posting very bad poetry versions of what's going on in my head from time to time until I'm Pre-2001 Jason again.