i went to ECMC today to get my travel shots for china. after shelling out $400 for both me and my daughter, i was poked three times; once for tetanus, once for hepatitis A, and once for typhoid.
luckily, my insurance will reimburse me for this expense. unfortunately my mother's will not.
i had an interview today with the New England Research Institutes for a field interviewer position. this position would require me o travel throughout new york state and interview 192 physicians for a racial/ethnic disparities in diabetes, study.
the interview went well, it seemed that i was doing most of the interviewing and it was probably the most informal interview i've had. they said they will definitely be in touch late next week or early following week (because of the holiday) for a second interview. i hope that they will offer me some serious money. i can't imagine that they would offer anything below 35K but i would like something closer to 45K. with my luck they'll be dishing out 25K.
i would like to tell all of you about our crazy weekend but i've left that up to
(e:ladycroft) hopefully she'll post soon with pictoral evidence of our drunken stupidity and scary stalking behavior.
oh yeh, I am all over that! Whats his number?
..and what can I get with 17.5 GBD points?
Would someone please write him a counter contract? haha
oh yeah, it's totally hot...got my panites all wet...wait a minute...today's the day when panties are not allowed.... :)
my question is...who would actually go for this shit, i mean, how down-on-yourself do you have to be to even CONSIDER being with a man like that?
oh c'mon.... it's hot...
I have only read the first page. But he seems like a tottal control freak. He should move to some country where women have no power then he wouldn't need the dam contract. Belive it or not that is more common then most people think it just isn't done in contract form.
ha. haha. hahaha. hahahahaha. i'd just love to see some guy seriously hand me that document.