fuck this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was fucking right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I FUCKING HATE ALL LIFE FORMS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this fucking earth needs to implode!!!
Imk2's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/03/2006 22:51 #23017
FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!!!!01/18/2006 22:17 #23016
DIE, mighty taco, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so, i never go to mighty taco cuz their food sucks. i love taco bell, but all the shit i get from people about liking taco bell and hating mighty taco made me want to give that damn place another try.
i go through the drive through and order two beef hard shell tacos with sour cream. one would assume that tacos would come with lettuce and tomato and green onions, like they do at taco bell, right? WRONG. i pull out of the drive through and into the parking lot and peer into my bag to check out my tacos.
guess what i found? two shells with beef. no lettuce, no tomato, no onion. WTF, WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! who the hell puts a shell with some beef and calls it a fucking TACOOOOOOOOOOO! i was so fucking pissed at this shit hole of a place that i rolled down my fucking window and tossed them shits right the fuck out of my window.
and i swear to god people, do not EVEN try to defend mighty taco, cuz i will find your ass, eat 75 taco bell tacos and shit on your lawn!
i go through the drive through and order two beef hard shell tacos with sour cream. one would assume that tacos would come with lettuce and tomato and green onions, like they do at taco bell, right? WRONG. i pull out of the drive through and into the parking lot and peer into my bag to check out my tacos.
guess what i found? two shells with beef. no lettuce, no tomato, no onion. WTF, WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! who the hell puts a shell with some beef and calls it a fucking TACOOOOOOOOOOO! i was so fucking pissed at this shit hole of a place that i rolled down my fucking window and tossed them shits right the fuck out of my window.
and i swear to god people, do not EVEN try to defend mighty taco, cuz i will find your ass, eat 75 taco bell tacos and shit on your lawn!
codypomeray - 01/29/06 17:59
I love mighty taco!!!!!! i would love to see you come try and shit on my lawn! i bet i could charge people to watch. hahahaha...that post is awesome. seriously funny!! i like taco bell though too.
I love mighty taco!!!!!! i would love to see you come try and shit on my lawn! i bet i could charge people to watch. hahahaha...that post is awesome. seriously funny!! i like taco bell though too.
metalpeter - 01/19/06 18:31
I like Mighty Taco. YOu need to go inside so you can see what stuff they put on it or not put on it. Taco Bell is verry differant both are good. If you want good taco's go to ETS or Edritos and leave the fast food alone. When you buy from fast food you get fast food.
I like Mighty Taco. YOu need to go inside so you can see what stuff they put on it or not put on it. Taco Bell is verry differant both are good. If you want good taco's go to ETS or Edritos and leave the fast food alone. When you buy from fast food you get fast food.
theecarey - 01/18/06 23:17
fuck, I love Mighty Taco, but I love this post more.
Please dont shit on my lawn!!!!
fuck, I love Mighty Taco, but I love this post more.
Please dont shit on my lawn!!!!
jenks - 01/18/06 22:51
omg i haven't laughed that hard in a while. thanks.
omg i haven't laughed that hard in a while. thanks.
paul - 01/18/06 22:25
We cll its snotty taco.
We cll its snotty taco.
01/16/2006 18:54 #23015
I got the LOOT!Finally, finally, finally, I got my school loans. That means I can now eat, buy gasoline, and maybe...if I so choose... pay some bills.
I am taking b/f for a 4 day bed and breakfast weekend here
at the end of the month for his b-day. I guess its not really a bed and breakfast since you get your own log cabin or carriage house. I've stayed here before and it's phenomenal. The 3 course breakfast is simply delicious and is served in your cabin. I hope it snows up the ying yang, so that I can feel like I'm in a winter wonderland.
The woman who owns this place used to be a journalist for the Associated Press and is now teaching at the University of Pittsburgh. She is also an audio book reviewer and the cabin and the carriage house are filled with audio books. Everything is top notch down to the sheets and comforters. She also has horses and has boarding room and huge pastures for guests who bring theirs along. There's tons of hiking and b/f is bringing his axe. So we're going to sit in front of the fire, sip red wine, and cuddle while looking at the falling snow (hopefully). Believe it or not, b/f loves this kind of stuff. He is a big mushy baby that loves all this girly shit.
Did I mention I got my school loans??
Which means....
I'm Rich, Bitch!!
I am taking b/f for a 4 day bed and breakfast weekend here

The woman who owns this place used to be a journalist for the Associated Press and is now teaching at the University of Pittsburgh. She is also an audio book reviewer and the cabin and the carriage house are filled with audio books. Everything is top notch down to the sheets and comforters. She also has horses and has boarding room and huge pastures for guests who bring theirs along. There's tons of hiking and b/f is bringing his axe. So we're going to sit in front of the fire, sip red wine, and cuddle while looking at the falling snow (hopefully). Believe it or not, b/f loves this kind of stuff. He is a big mushy baby that loves all this girly shit.
Did I mention I got my school loans??
Which means....
I'm Rich, Bitch!!
theecarey - 01/16/06 20:52
I am waiting on my loans. I procrastinate on getting the forms in to my school. Soon though, since I am not a fan of being broke!
Yeh, I love that false sense of financial security that comes when the check arrives.
Full gas tank, really good food, and other random splurges that don't quite fall under "education needs".. buy oy, they are needful for my sanity.
The B&B sounds great.. a snow storm would be wonderful for that..
I am waiting on my loans. I procrastinate on getting the forms in to my school. Soon though, since I am not a fan of being broke!
Yeh, I love that false sense of financial security that comes when the check arrives.
Full gas tank, really good food, and other random splurges that don't quite fall under "education needs".. buy oy, they are needful for my sanity.
The B&B sounds great.. a snow storm would be wonderful for that..
01/07/2006 22:18 #23014
Nobody Puts Baby in the CornerNow that the new season of Dancing With the Stars has begun, I am desperate to get my ballroom dancing career off to a start and I need people to dance with me. So, who wants to get together once a week for some ballroom dancing lessons? I don't know where the nearest dance studio is, but I'm sure we won't have a problem finding one. PLEASE, PLEASE someone come dancing with me! Think of how hot you will look doing the Argentine Tango with the new hot body you're going to get from all that exercise!
Sal, I know you wanna!

Sal, I know you wanna!

theecarey - 01/07/06 23:23
This is the instructor I had. There are special dance nights so everyone/anyone who has taken a lesson can go and try out their new moves. It is nice to have the option to dance beyond the lesson room.
A I mentioned in the (e:chatter), you will want to make sure you have a partner, as leaving it up to a random pairing may lead to a less than satisfying experience. More specifically, you don't want to end up being paired with another girl, if there aren't enough guys to go around. And visa versa.
And you will be getting to know your partners body, his movements, his breathing, his steps, his.. well everything, in order to have the two of your bodies move fluidly together.
Let me know what you come up with. I have been wanting to get back into dance for awhile, but my work/school schedule leaves me not wanting to commit to any certain time frame. But I might be able to squeek something in!
This is the instructor I had. There are special dance nights so everyone/anyone who has taken a lesson can go and try out their new moves. It is nice to have the option to dance beyond the lesson room.
A I mentioned in the (e:chatter), you will want to make sure you have a partner, as leaving it up to a random pairing may lead to a less than satisfying experience. More specifically, you don't want to end up being paired with another girl, if there aren't enough guys to go around. And visa versa.
And you will be getting to know your partners body, his movements, his breathing, his steps, his.. well everything, in order to have the two of your bodies move fluidly together.
Let me know what you come up with. I have been wanting to get back into dance for awhile, but my work/school schedule leaves me not wanting to commit to any certain time frame. But I might be able to squeek something in!
ladycroft - 01/07/06 22:53
you know it!
you know it!
01/04/2006 21:53 #23013
tattooHere is a pic of my tat for ladycroft!

imk2 - 01/08/06 11:42
well, sorta. I have had 3 additions on it. it started out very small, then i had a much larger piece added on when I lived in Baltimore. finally, this summer, i had two large pieces added. I did not design it per say, but i brought in an example that i drew of the kind of design i wanted in baltimore and the artist worked from there. this summer, i had the tattoo artist design an addition to what i already had. i absolutely love this tattoo. i sit in the mirror and admire it all the time! thanks for all the wonderful comments!
well, sorta. I have had 3 additions on it. it started out very small, then i had a much larger piece added on when I lived in Baltimore. finally, this summer, i had two large pieces added. I did not design it per say, but i brought in an example that i drew of the kind of design i wanted in baltimore and the artist worked from there. this summer, i had the tattoo artist design an addition to what i already had. i absolutely love this tattoo. i sit in the mirror and admire it all the time! thanks for all the wonderful comments!
indo - 01/07/06 23:37
that is one sweet ass tattoo you have there, did you design that yourself?
that is one sweet ass tattoo you have there, did you design that yourself?
salvatore - 01/05/06 14:09
Neato. Though I could never scar anything into my body :-(
Neato. Though I could never scar anything into my body :-(
leetee - 01/05/06 09:17
very nice
very nice
ladycroft - 01/04/06 21:55
That is STELLAR! I love it!
That is STELLAR! I love it!
theecarey - 01/04/06 21:55
very nice!
very nice!
i'm sorry.
What happened?
I have a shovel and a big back yard. Anything I can do?
i'm sorry