Just a word of caution, DO NOT DRINK LIKE A FUCKING FISH the night before a big trip.
I've never seen so much green colored vomit come out of my body.
I fucking hate myself!
Imk2's Journal
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12/18/2005 11:18 #23009
Taste of Vomit12/15/2005 00:39 #23008
Are you going to eat that?!?!?I just finished a can of smoked oysters, and while eating up the last morsel of oyster, I thought about how many people would find my love of unusual foods quite disgusting.
So, I thought I would come up with a list of the stuff I like to eat, that would qualify as pretty nasty for some.
1.canned oysters (with hot sauce)
3.smoked fish (any kind)
4.ham hocks (especially the blubber)
5.pickle soup (seriously, there is such a thing, and it's really good for a hangover)
6.pickled herring
7.picked wild mushrooms (refer to below)
8.wild mushrooms in cream sauce (really wild mushrooms, that I pick myself from the forest. I know that people here don't pick wild mushrooms, but in Europe everyone does)
9.steak tartar (which is totally raw, not heated or cooked, with raw egg yolk, onions, pickle, touch of mustard, oil)
10.gelatinous ham hock bits with carrots (this is a solid gelatin thing that sets over night that you eat with vinegar)
11.beet soup
12. mashed beets, with horseradish or without, with cream or without, hot or cold
13. solid bacon lard spread on bread
14. liverwurst (on bread)
15. headcheese
16. although i'm not a huge fan, but I've done it a few times......bone marrow (cooked) form a shank of veal or beef.
Funny thing is my daughter looooves all this stuff too.
I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting, but I'm kinda hungry...so gotta go!
Please, anyone, if you have anything to add to the list, feel free to do so, I would love to know what kind of other stuff people eat! I hope I'm not all alone, but I fear that I may be...hee hee.
So, I thought I would come up with a list of the stuff I like to eat, that would qualify as pretty nasty for some.
1.canned oysters (with hot sauce)
3.smoked fish (any kind)
4.ham hocks (especially the blubber)
5.pickle soup (seriously, there is such a thing, and it's really good for a hangover)
6.pickled herring
7.picked wild mushrooms (refer to below)
8.wild mushrooms in cream sauce (really wild mushrooms, that I pick myself from the forest. I know that people here don't pick wild mushrooms, but in Europe everyone does)
9.steak tartar (which is totally raw, not heated or cooked, with raw egg yolk, onions, pickle, touch of mustard, oil)
10.gelatinous ham hock bits with carrots (this is a solid gelatin thing that sets over night that you eat with vinegar)
11.beet soup
12. mashed beets, with horseradish or without, with cream or without, hot or cold
13. solid bacon lard spread on bread
14. liverwurst (on bread)
15. headcheese
16. although i'm not a huge fan, but I've done it a few times......bone marrow (cooked) form a shank of veal or beef.
Funny thing is my daughter looooves all this stuff too.
I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting, but I'm kinda hungry...so gotta go!
Please, anyone, if you have anything to add to the list, feel free to do so, I would love to know what kind of other stuff people eat! I hope I'm not all alone, but I fear that I may be...hee hee.
12/10/2005 15:39 #23007
Lushi have two assignments left.
before i start i am going to take a nice hot bath with one of my bath bombs from lush
if you've never tried lush products, you don't know what you're missing. they have the most luscious products ever! and if you're a vegan, they have tons of stuff for you too.

before i start i am going to take a nice hot bath with one of my bath bombs from lush
if you've never tried lush products, you don't know what you're missing. they have the most luscious products ever! and if you're a vegan, they have tons of stuff for you too.

ajay - 12/15/05 00:56
Lush rocks! I bought some solid massage "oils" (they are solid; they melt with the body heat) in Pasadena for my babe, and she was super-ultra-mega thrilled. Needless to say, that weekend is a blur... ;)
Lush rocks! I bought some solid massage "oils" (they are solid; they melt with the body heat) in Pasadena for my babe, and she was super-ultra-mega thrilled. Needless to say, that weekend is a blur... ;)
theecarey - 12/10/05 16:30
Right on! I have been to the Lush store in Toronto.. many yummy products; I am a fan of the bath bombs and the conditioning hair goops. I am sure I would like anything, though, except for some of the prices. I think you can make your own concoctions as well.
Right on! I have been to the Lush store in Toronto.. many yummy products; I am a fan of the bath bombs and the conditioning hair goops. I am sure I would like anything, though, except for some of the prices. I think you can make your own concoctions as well.
12/09/2005 20:13 #23006
Dirty GirlI've been having dirty dreams for the past few nights. The night before last, I had a lesbian lover and last night I dreamt I had two guys all to myself.
The school pressure is getting to me....I just want it to be over!!!!
Maybe I just need to get laid, maybe it'll help clear my mind and I'll get these stupid assignments done.
The school pressure is getting to me....I just want it to be over!!!!
Maybe I just need to get laid, maybe it'll help clear my mind and I'll get these stupid assignments done.
imk2 - 12/10/05 17:00
oh no problems, its just that i wish i could be having all this crazy sex, but instead i have to do this never ending work. but don't get me wrong, i love the sex dreams, i actually can orgasam in my dreams. i don't know many girls that do. so, ya, it's fun.
oh no problems, its just that i wish i could be having all this crazy sex, but instead i have to do this never ending work. but don't get me wrong, i love the sex dreams, i actually can orgasam in my dreams. i don't know many girls that do. so, ya, it's fun.
theecarey - 12/10/05 16:35
I pick option #2!!!
My dreams are always dirty. Oh the variety the mind can come up with! My friends are envious, so just enjoy them. You can go out and get laid, but the dreams won't stop. So, whats the problem? lol :)
I pick option #2!!!
My dreams are always dirty. Oh the variety the mind can come up with! My friends are envious, so just enjoy them. You can go out and get laid, but the dreams won't stop. So, whats the problem? lol :)
metalpeter - 12/10/05 12:31
Wow wish I was in your dreams they sound a lot of fun, or at least watching them. Was it a stright or bi 3 way. If geting laid is what you need I'm sure you will have no problem with that. Could you some how send your dreams my way the few I have are lame.
Wow wish I was in your dreams they sound a lot of fun, or at least watching them. Was it a stright or bi 3 way. If geting laid is what you need I'm sure you will have no problem with that. Could you some how send your dreams my way the few I have are lame.
ladycroft - 12/09/05 21:33
why can't i have dreams like that!? if i sleep at all i'm dreaming of working on finals. pass some over this way please.
why can't i have dreams like that!? if i sleep at all i'm dreaming of working on finals. pass some over this way please.
12/09/2005 00:04 #23005
New job and LondonSo I have a new job
I will be working as a research technician at the University at Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions. Its only a part time position since I refuse to work full time while being still in school, but they did offer. My kid and a personal life mean too much to me and I am not one of those people who can do 5 things at once. Plus, I'm kinda lazy. But the good news is; even tho this is a part time position, I get full benefits. YAY!!! When does that ever happen.
Because I have to start this new job on January 3rd, I decided I must go on vacation. I'm done with school after this weekend, after I turn in all my late shit, so, next Sunday I'm going to London. Sunday to Friday. I'm totaly stoked. I went last year in January and had perfect weather, I can't wait to go to Harrod's during xmas time!
I will be working as a research technician at the University at Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions. Its only a part time position since I refuse to work full time while being still in school, but they did offer. My kid and a personal life mean too much to me and I am not one of those people who can do 5 things at once. Plus, I'm kinda lazy. But the good news is; even tho this is a part time position, I get full benefits. YAY!!! When does that ever happen.
Because I have to start this new job on January 3rd, I decided I must go on vacation. I'm done with school after this weekend, after I turn in all my late shit, so, next Sunday I'm going to London. Sunday to Friday. I'm totaly stoked. I went last year in January and had perfect weather, I can't wait to go to Harrod's during xmas time!