Imk2's Journal
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01/04/2006 21:53 #23013
tattoo12/30/2005 11:56 #23012
More picsHere are a lot more pics from London for anyone who is interested.

ladycroft - 01/02/06 21:19
Those are some GREAT shots! Who are all the people in your photos?
Those are some GREAT shots! Who are all the people in your photos?
12/29/2005 16:57 #23011
London pics12/27/2005 17:00 #23010
Back and bloody broke!Hello everyone!
Back from London and flat broke. I mean soooo broke, I can't buy gas. Wish we had a subway system like London's. Weather was good, people were great and I wish I had more time. I tried to upload some pics but it would not let me. I will try again when I have more patience.
Back from London and flat broke. I mean soooo broke, I can't buy gas. Wish we had a subway system like London's. Weather was good, people were great and I wish I had more time. I tried to upload some pics but it would not let me. I will try again when I have more patience.
salvatore - 12/29/05 01:11
I'm glad you had a fun time and that you're back in one piece! I would love to see pix if @ all possible!
I'm glad you had a fun time and that you're back in one piece! I would love to see pix if @ all possible!
12/18/2005 11:18 #23009
Taste of VomitJust a word of caution, DO NOT DRINK LIKE A FUCKING FISH the night before a big trip.
I've never seen so much green colored vomit come out of my body.
I fucking hate myself!
I've never seen so much green colored vomit come out of my body.
I fucking hate myself!
ladycroft - 12/18/05 17:07
well, sorta. I have had 3 additions on it. it started out very small, then i had a much larger piece added on when I lived in Baltimore. finally, this summer, i had two large pieces added. I did not design it per say, but i brought in an example that i drew of the kind of design i wanted in baltimore and the artist worked from there. this summer, i had the tattoo artist design an addition to what i already had. i absolutely love this tattoo. i sit in the mirror and admire it all the time! thanks for all the wonderful comments!
that is one sweet ass tattoo you have there, did you design that yourself?
Neato. Though I could never scar anything into my body :-(
very nice
That is STELLAR! I love it!
very nice!