I am taking b/f for a 4 day bed and breakfast weekend here

The woman who owns this place used to be a journalist for the Associated Press and is now teaching at the University of Pittsburgh. She is also an audio book reviewer and the cabin and the carriage house are filled with audio books. Everything is top notch down to the sheets and comforters. She also has horses and has boarding room and huge pastures for guests who bring theirs along. There's tons of hiking and b/f is bringing his axe. So we're going to sit in front of the fire, sip red wine, and cuddle while looking at the falling snow (hopefully). Believe it or not, b/f loves this kind of stuff. He is a big mushy baby that loves all this girly shit.
Did I mention I got my school loans??
Which means....
I'm Rich, Bitch!!
I am waiting on my loans. I procrastinate on getting the forms in to my school. Soon though, since I am not a fan of being broke!
Yeh, I love that false sense of financial security that comes when the check arrives.
Full gas tank, really good food, and other random splurges that don't quite fall under "education needs".. buy oy, they are needful for my sanity.
The B&B sounds great.. a snow storm would be wonderful for that..