The trip was interesting. I was by far the youngest person on the trip, but that's all right with me. I could not take any pics of the exhibit, the guards were roaming around like the KGB, shaking anyone down that dared to take out a cell phone or camera. The exhibition was on Catherine the Great, and the key piece was her carriage

It was so beautiful. Definitely worth seeing.
We are all sick in my house. My daughter's sick, running a fever of 103, my boyfriend is claiming to be sick, after spending Saturday night with me, and of course I am still sick, after a week of snots and phlegm and hacking.
My huge classification project is finished, which leaves me with the following to turn in by Thursday
Application Exercise 8
Collection Development Policy
Scholarly Article
Selection Policy Critique
Practice Exercise 5 (due today)
Not panicking or anything....
congradulations. While in Tropical Toronto have a mai tai for all us freezing back in Buffalo.