I love steak. I'm pretty much willing to whore myself out in order to get steak. The only two ways I normally get steak are:
1. Whore myself out to the man- aka sit through a business dinner. Sometimes those are fun, most times not.
2. Whore myself out to a man- aka go on a date with the premise that if I order a kobe beef steak most likely Im going to have to put out. Somtimes worth the steak, sometimes not. Thats always a gamble.
Just this very morning me and dear Mimi were musing how we could so go for a steak, yet neither of us had the means to obtain one (here a good steak dinner can easily go $150 a person with wine). Awesomely I got an invite to a business dinner- and Ms. Mimi will be my date. So I guess today Im a whore for the man. I'm so willing to put up with dull business talk for a steak!
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/03/2006 16:43 #22757
God heard my prayersCategory: steak
03/16/2006 10:40 #22755
I need some loveCategory: buffalo
I can't wait for my trip to the Buff, I need some love Buffalo style. Most importantly I can't wait to eat at left bank on Friday! And drink beer. Steak and Beer, mmmm.
olemanrunin - 03/30/06 12:33
Ralphie stopped by to hello...
Ralphie stopped by to hello...
flacidness - 03/16/06 16:47
Go on Girl
Go on Girl
03/09/2006 11:24 #22752
Proving my theory..Category: gay
I have a theory that if you are a gay man you pretty much have access to any women's boobage. It seems to hold true across the board. And here is more proof to back up my scientific research:
Missing Image ;(
03/09/2006 06:28 #22751
Warning: Cute OverloadCategory: fuzzy cuteness
If you are in the mood to see pictures of ultra cute fuzzies then you must to to this site asap: 
I'm obsessed with the bunnies and the squirrel.
Speaking of bunnies I have a bunch of scientist friends who are insanely smart. Like PhD from Cambridge smart. Its rare that I actually know something they don't. So last Friday we were hanging out drinking whiskey and smoking the chebo and of course we were talking about living space and neighborhoods (it's a constant topic- you always want to know if someone has the inside scoop on a sweet new apt/hood). Anyways my friend Danelle started talking about how her friends have 5 bunnies in this small studio apt. And everyone loves bunnies and starts being all "oh I want a bunny". Then Danelle moved on to cats. Now it's all cats and bunnies. Then Danelle is like wait you can't have cats and bunnies because bunnies would eat cats. Hmmm. For a second no one said anything. And as messed up as I was I was pretty sure that a bunny would never eat a cat. But hey these are the science crew, maybe they know something I don't. The all the sudden everyone blurted out at the same time- wait i don't think that can happen. She stuck by her theory. We all question if she has actually ever seen a bunny.
PS- I took a sleeping pill last night, when I woke up this morning I was really groggy. And I noticed my hair is super gross today. I then started thinking about what shampoo I used. I have a large variety. Then I remembered. I didn't use any shampoo, only conditioner. I washed my hair with conditioner today. Can you say bad hair day?

I'm obsessed with the bunnies and the squirrel.
Speaking of bunnies I have a bunch of scientist friends who are insanely smart. Like PhD from Cambridge smart. Its rare that I actually know something they don't. So last Friday we were hanging out drinking whiskey and smoking the chebo and of course we were talking about living space and neighborhoods (it's a constant topic- you always want to know if someone has the inside scoop on a sweet new apt/hood). Anyways my friend Danelle started talking about how her friends have 5 bunnies in this small studio apt. And everyone loves bunnies and starts being all "oh I want a bunny". Then Danelle moved on to cats. Now it's all cats and bunnies. Then Danelle is like wait you can't have cats and bunnies because bunnies would eat cats. Hmmm. For a second no one said anything. And as messed up as I was I was pretty sure that a bunny would never eat a cat. But hey these are the science crew, maybe they know something I don't. The all the sudden everyone blurted out at the same time- wait i don't think that can happen. She stuck by her theory. We all question if she has actually ever seen a bunny.
PS- I took a sleeping pill last night, when I woke up this morning I was really groggy. And I noticed my hair is super gross today. I then started thinking about what shampoo I used. I have a large variety. Then I remembered. I didn't use any shampoo, only conditioner. I washed my hair with conditioner today. Can you say bad hair day?
theecarey - 03/09/06 17:21
oOoh thanks for sharing that link. It is just what I needed. I am adding it to my links. Super cute and fuzzy is a perfect little happy boost for anytime...
oOoh thanks for sharing that link. It is just what I needed. I am adding it to my links. Super cute and fuzzy is a perfect little happy boost for anytime...
leetee - 03/09/06 11:40
I looove cute fuzzies. Thanks. :O)
Bunnies eating kitties??!?! What an interesting idea. Most cats can take a moderate sized dog, so i don't know how they would succumb to a bunny!
I once had a bunny and a cat. Oscar the wild rabbit (he was rescued, cage included) and CatDiamond. They got along really well. Diamond loved him. They would run around and play. I would get home from work and Diamond would be meowing at his cage for me to let him out. When he died, she wouldn't get out of his cage for a 2 days. She just sat in there, not moving, not willing to drink or eat, even if i put something in his cage for her. After 2 days, she sniffed around and got out. I guess that is the usual mourning period for cats and bunnies...
I looove cute fuzzies. Thanks. :O)
Bunnies eating kitties??!?! What an interesting idea. Most cats can take a moderate sized dog, so i don't know how they would succumb to a bunny!
I once had a bunny and a cat. Oscar the wild rabbit (he was rescued, cage included) and CatDiamond. They got along really well. Diamond loved him. They would run around and play. I would get home from work and Diamond would be meowing at his cage for me to let him out. When he died, she wouldn't get out of his cage for a 2 days. She just sat in there, not moving, not willing to drink or eat, even if i put something in his cage for her. After 2 days, she sniffed around and got out. I guess that is the usual mourning period for cats and bunnies...
twisted - 03/09/06 08:51
I keep meaning to tell you your journal is better than Sex and the City. I love it!
I keep meaning to tell you your journal is better than Sex and the City. I love it!
ladycroft - 03/09/06 06:50
maybe she saw monty python and the holy grail....that bunny eats people!
maybe she saw monty python and the holy grail....that bunny eats people!
03/03/2006 10:08 #22748
SweetCategory: rock and roll baby
I just scored a pair of tickets to the Allman Brother's show on the last night of their NYC gig. I'm ready to pee my pants I'm so freaking excited!!
mrdt - 03/03/06 17:19
are they still alive?? Love sweet mellissa...i did a 15 part acapella version in high school. DT
are they still alive?? Love sweet mellissa...i did a 15 part acapella version in high school. DT
codypomeray - 03/03/06 12:04
AWESOME!!! i saw them a few times at Darien Lake, and then once at Jones Beach. also saw dicky betts at B.B. Kings in Times Square. that is awesome. you know its springtime when the allman bros are in town!!! have an awesome time.
AWESOME!!! i saw them a few times at Darien Lake, and then once at Jones Beach. also saw dicky betts at B.B. Kings in Times Square. that is awesome. you know its springtime when the allman bros are in town!!! have an awesome time.
flacidness - 03/03/06 11:22
COOL! who are they?
COOL! who are they?
I feel your pain - The disingenuousness of a business dinner is the only I could have gotten into the Western Door in the Falls, Fiamma, Fanny, or Ebgreens lately.
I got my boss to go to Oliver's next week to meet another programmer. They spent 10 minutes talking actual business. We spend three hours eating