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04/27/2006 15:58 #22762

Update on my life
Category: estrip
I don't know why Ive been so opposed to updating my journal for so long. I guess that so much crap happens I never feel like typing it all.

So trip to B'lo:

Crazy man on the train to work. Kept buttoning and unbuttoning his shirt and counting all the buttons. On this train I had my suitcase for the trip. For some reason I needed to pack the most things ever and my suit case was huge. So get off the train and go to walk down the stairs. Homeless/train man is in front of me. All the sudden he turns around and is like let me carry that. So for any of you with any sort of street smarts rule number one is don't hand over anything you ever want to see again to a homeless person. Im like no im good. Then he starts to grab it. Meanwhile a line of angry commuters are forming behind us trying to be on their way. A struggle ensues for my suitcase. Mother fucker.

Then I'm at work all ready to go. It starts to pour. I predict I'll have a hard time getting a cab. Thus I leave 15 minutes early at 12:15 instead of 12:30. Actually I left early so I'd have enough time to get my nails done and catch a cab. Anyways I return to the following bitch email:

I was looking for you at noon today to go over some items for Karn's last day. However, I discovered that you've already left. I know you asked for a half day today but please note that you will get paid a full day only if you came in and worked until 12:30. Just a heads up for timesheet reporting purposes.

I hate my job.

Other than that the trip was pretty good. I love Paul and Mike and Terry- they are the best guys a girl could ask for.

Post b'lo the most exciting thing that has happened is I went out to brunch with my science crew and we actually got cut off at an "all you can drink" brunch. Um isint all you can drink- all you can drink. Meaning I'll let you know when I've had all I can drink. It worked out we took the party back to the UES and had a trader joe's fiesta till 3am.

Again i'd like to promote the zizzler's blog. If you don't choose to read it you are a fool. And yes I do mean that in the most insulting way possible :)

theecarey - 04/27/06 23:44
"um, yeh... about those TPS reports.." (office space)

I despise people like Maria..15 minutes, really, now??
twisted - 04/27/06 19:42
Get this, my first week at work my boss called me out for wearing jeans. She was actually annoyingly indirect about it, saying, “is that Lisa W wearing jeans?” I said they’re blue pants (indigo-dyed brushed cotton jean-cut pants, if you must know, although I didn’t go into details at the time since she could see for herself). She doesn’t say anything, so I say, “they match my shirt” (yes, that was also obvious, but something had to be said). She responds, “but are they jeans?” Get off it already, for cryin’ out loud! I looked damn good, and didn’t see anyone else complaining. She then goes on to say maybe I should read the dress code -- she would hate to see me get a citation. A citation!!!!!! Screw that, I would welcome a citation!

I’m wearing the blue pants again today. So far no citations. I’m also posting comments from work, but let’s not get into that now -- I’m already in enough trouble.

Depeche Mode tonight with She Wants Revenge and Scissor Sisters…
libertad - 04/27/06 17:22
When I was working for corporate america i couldn't stand getting reprimands like that, especially when they say "Um, just a heads up" or "FYI, you fucked up." FYI is the worst!

04/15/2006 18:24 #22761

Photoshop Diet
Category: fake thin
In reference to (e:mike,483) I agree that I too have seen many a cute-a-fied picture. I feel like this presents an unfair advantage to those of us who choose to keep it real/old school and forego the photoshop corrective surgery. I mean I'm all for cropping a picture to edit out a ugly friend, but to use a picture to distort the body image is really not cool. I mean come on- no one wants to think youre hot only to discover upon meeting you in real life that your not. In the spirit of this me and (e:paul) have invented the photoshop or not game.
theecarey - 04/16/06 10:36
This is going beyond the realm of photos, but it sure falls into the category of misrepresentation: Padded/Push up and Out Bras. Now *thats* false advertisement.

I dont even know how to use a photoshop/chop program-- but how much can you alter? ok, assuming a lot based on the responses. I guess I figured it was for taking out zits and pit stains. Not cutting off 50 lbs. In that case, can anyone show me how to use such a program, heh ;)
jenks - 04/16/06 10:21
Couldn't agree more. Totally not fair to misrepresent yourself.
ladycroft - 04/15/06 21:06
i think it's fun to mess with photos, but i agree it's shady when you stretch and angle the image to make you look incredibly thinner than you are etc etc...that's just silly.
jason - 04/15/06 19:06
Holy fucking shit, the bait and switch. How many people have been fooled by that one? I would rather have the most fucked up picture possible so when they meet me they could say "Damn that Jay is fucking hot and his photo doesn't even begin to do him justice."
robin - 04/15/06 18:32
oh come on ho,
give it up for my mustache.
hodown - 04/15/06 18:30
It's called hot or shop.

04/06/2006 17:27 #22760

Category: lust or is that want
I need to own this:

I can't even imagine how funny it is. Or maybe I should have invented it.

On a totally different note: I think I'm being a huge bitch today for no reason. Mea culpa to all those i've been a bi-atch to...

04/06/2006 11:04 #22759

If you dont read this we are not friends
Category: the zizzler

04/04/2006 10:15 #22758

My karaoke debut
Category: rockstar
This past weekend was the best ever. Hard to believe but I've never been to karaoke before. For my big premier I chose one of my all time favorite songs "Pour some sugar on me" By Def Leopard. You really can't go wrong with a song that encourages one to lick sugar off you.

The next day I spent at the beer garden in queens. Again totally awesome time.

Such a pleasant change from my last weekend of everything sucking.












mrdt - 04/04/06 17:18
wow good choice!!!

I usually stick to elvis's suspicious minds or heartbreak hotel.

"well since my baby left me..."
flacidness - 04/04/06 10:32
welcome to the world of karaoke. a friend of mine from work was at that very same beer garden!