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11/22/2006 13:39 #21972
Impersonation is a bit**It seems that someone somewhere is using my name or screen name on Buffalo Rising and using quotes from articles I have written based on the hotel and badmouthing Savarino in the process.
First things first. I hate Buffalo Rising. It seems to me that everyone on there is the same person with different screen names badmouthing the opponants of the hotel. I have even been told that I write more articles GAINST the hotel than are FOR the hotel.
Maybe it seems that way to some but the truth is, I write what I think is news, in regards to the hotel. Whether its for or against the hotel, I could care less. Where there is news, I will write it.
I do not believe that some people will go to such extremes to stop the flow of accurate information to the public. I as a freelancde journalist believe in nothing but the facts. I report the facts. If someone does not like those facts then talk to me or the direct source. Do not go on some crusade to knock out the little guy becuase you do not like the facts. If you have a problem with me, or my reporting, then talk to me and only me. But I will not allow some sour puss to ruin my reputation on Wikinews. If you have a problem, here I am. Step up.
11/16/2006 13:45 #21971
Elmwood Village Hotel off the table/deadCategory: elmwood

They are for sale :)
The devil you know is oftentimes better than the devil you don't. Bear that in mind.
08/23/2006 13:46 #21970
Channel 4 News and plagerism
From Channel 4's Web site:
A late night dining tradition along Buffalo's Elmwood strip may soon be coming to an end.
News 4 has learned the owner of Pano's Restaurant is considering scaling back his hours.
The restaurant opened on the first day of the Blizzard of '77.
Since then, it has been open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
There's no word yet on why the owner is considering cutting the restaurant's hours.
Note in the edit history (

Note the quotes about the blizzard of 77:
Wikinews: Pano's opened in 1977 on the day of the blizzard of '77' and has "remained open for 24 hours since then", only closing for an hour at a time on the weekends to clean up and prepare the restaurant for breakfast, said Georgiadis.
Channel 4 according to WNY Media: The restaurant opened on the first day of the Blizzard of '77. Since then, it has been open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Also note that an e-mail was sent to Channel 4 alerting them to the story on Wikinews, but the e-mail did NOT mention any piece of the article and had a link to the copyright rules in reprinting or airing material used from Wikinews articles. They failed to cite Wikinews as a source or original author.
Plagerism is illegal.
Plagiarism is how it's spelled, and it's not necessarily illegal. Just unethical. Copyright infringement is illegal, but since Wikinews runs a creative commons license, anyone can use it with attribution. The thing with Channel 4 is that a reporter can use Wikinews as a tip, and then call Giorgiadis himself, get an almost identical quote, and then report it without giving Wikinews any attribution.
Plagerism is taking someone elses Idea and presenting it as your own idea, in wrighting. As long as you don't say it is your own idea it isn't plagerism. Granted the source could be wrong but that isn't plagerism. The other question is was the writen story just a writen verson of what they said on TV. The fact is that almost all the news on the the internet is from some other source. There isn't much investgative stories writen by someone who works for that papper they are mostly from news sources. That is generaly how the modern news media is.
Not that I condone plagiarism- but it seems to me that Panos being open 24/7 since the blizzard is Common Knowledge- and it is not necessarily plagiarism if two sources report it... especially if the wording isn't even the same...
Did you consider the possibility that whoever at Channel 4 responsible for the story was too stupid to know the difference between Wikinews and WNY Media?
I find it curious that the info is attributed to WNY Media by Channel 4.
Plagerists usually don't provide attribution.
Hopefully, someone at Channel 4 will do the right thing to rectify this situation.
Good luck!
08/22/2006 13:02 #21969
Elmwood Village Gatekeepers launch site
Request For Proposal
Elmwood Village Gateway and
Elmwood Village Gatekeepers
Responses requested by: September 1, 2006
Submissions requested by: October 1, 2006
Objective of this RFP:
The intersection of Elmwood and Forest Avenues is the prominent entrance or "Gateway" to what is possibly Buffalo's most well known, signature neighborhood, The Elmwood Village.
Assets on the southeast corner of Elmwood and Forest include an elevated green space and five turn of the century historic homes. At the northwest corner of Elmwood and Forest is the "Elmwood Forest" a historic green space containing stands of mature pines, other trees and lawn. An all too rare and precious feature in an urban landscape, and part of the historic Olmsted vision for planning the City of Buffalo.
We advocate re-use and renovation of the existing structures and green space presently on these historic sites to create a unique, uplifting and imaginative entranceway to Buffalo's signature Elmwood Village.
We are seeking conceptual schematics which will:
> Preserve, enhance and re-use the existing five historic homes at the southeast corner of Elmwood and Forest.
> Preserve, unify and highlight the unique elevated green space and
lawns at the southeast corner of Elmwood and Forest, and make them accessible as a public "commons."
> Create a unified view of the unique greenspace at the southeast corner of Elmwood and Forest to reflect the "Elmwood Forest" at the northwest corner of Elmwood, and Forest honoring Olmsted's vision of green ways throughout Buffalo.
For information please email: rfp@elmwoodvillage.net
I admit that you and I disagree on the hotel plans. I myself think it is an anti progress and nimby movement my self. I think in Buffalo there is this anti devolpment movement. But they do bring up a good point. So here is an idea that would be a great compromise. Sell the houses to Westin and in stead of having it be a hotel have the five houses all connect in the back and have them be Bed and Breakfasts. They would be owned by westin and be upscale but keep the homes. by upscale I mean connect the basements and have a pool or other recreation. Then in the rooms have a computer with high speed internet. Bed and breakfests support and encourage community Assuming every one eats at the same time. Not sure exactly how the money would work but the runner of each house would live there and run it and then they and westin would both get a portion of the profit. I don't think that this would ever happen but it would be a way to keep everyone happy. Plus I don't know if there are any Bed and Breakfests in Buffalo. I stayed in one once it was interesting. Oh one other the Gate Keepers is a horrible name it makes them sound high and mighty and that they know what is best for everyone plus it implies religous meaning also.
08/21/2006 12:56 #21968
Panos restaurant ending overnight shiftThe tradition for Buffalonians, who are able to enjoy drinks at the bars and clubs until 4:00 a.m. will end sometime at the end of August or September, according to overnight manager Wendi Dittmar and resturant accountant Roseanne Jones.
"We will be starting the closure of the overnight shift sometime in the next 2 weeks to a month," said Dittmar in an exclusive interview with Wikinews.
Jones told Wikinews that owner Pano Georgiadis is "just fed up" with the "destruction, the walk-outs of bills and fights that the 'drunk' people cause" to his resturant.
Pano's opened in 1977 on the day of the blizzard of '77' and has "remained open for 24 hours since then", only closing for an hour at a time on the weekends to clean up and prepare the restaurant for breakfast, said Georgiadis.
Artvoice who holds the "Best of Buffalo" competition every year where readers vote for their favorite Buffalo place, has listed Pano's as the Best of Buffalo for best brunch, best Greek restaurant, best patio and best super-cheap breakfasts for 2006.
Georgiadis is expected to make several radio announcements within the next few weeks.
Copyright: Wikinews, Article:

Posted using Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 liscense

I see very little reason to go there now. It seems to me that young people are the reason his restaurant is successful today. If he wants to alienate them from his restaurant, that is his option.
Mike you need to go there for a mimosa during a sunny afternoon - you will love it!
Actually I'm happy for Pano. He is right about not wanting to/having to tolerate the late night bullshit. Its just a shame that the hooligans forced Pano's hand.
Panos used to be soo cool, years ago...then i started to hate it when it started to fancify and try to knock down old houses...now it is closing at night..i've lost any last vestiges of love
Perhaps someone will take the opportunity to open another all night joint.
Guess what, man ... it's not just Buffalo Rising.
- Z