I have pictures but cannot upload them from my location. The Atwater House has/is demolished as we speak. The house is being torn down to makeway for the expansion of "the restaurant."
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02/09/2007 12:40 #38087
Atwater House is goneCategory: elmwood
02/08/2007 14:56 #38069
Good Bye History: The Atwater HouseCategory: elmwood
Well its time to say good bye. The Atwater House at 1089 Elmwood has lost the what I think will be the final battle.
The appeals court has said that the Atwater house is NOT in a historic area nor is the house itself historic and the judge ruled the city did not consider those circumstances when denying the demolition permit for a certain someone to expand their restaurant.
Now here is the interesting part.
1) The Atwater House was the first house built on that block on this end of Elmwood, as discovered by maps at the Erie County and Buffalo Historical Society on Elmwood and Nottingham Tr.
2) As reported by Wikinews
The Atwater house, before it was the "Atwater house" was formaly known as the John C Hill Hotel, which was in operation during the Pan Am Exposition of 1901 (research done at the Historical Society), which also means that the owner of the house could easily make it into ie: bed and breakfast or something.
3) Recently, in the past few years, an old oil company was unearthed in an archaeological dig in the Erie Canal in Downtown Buffalo that was owned and operated by Edward Atwater who founded the first oil company in Buffalo and also was owner and live in resident of the Atwater house, also reported by Wikinews.
All this information has been ignored by the courts and in fact no one has bothered to even research this property as much as I have. I would not be surprised if no one has even researched the deed on the Atwater house. If Svarino stopped the hotel based on deds that said no businesses, hotels of "anykind whatsoever" then I wonder what the Atwater house deeds say??
In any event, it seems that the fight is over. But if you think a petition would help, someone has set up one on petition.com, which was there during 2003ish when the battle first begun, Sign it to save the Atwater house:
I am not sure who started it but it needs to be updated. Please sign it and spread the link as far as you can.
The appeals court has said that the Atwater house is NOT in a historic area nor is the house itself historic and the judge ruled the city did not consider those circumstances when denying the demolition permit for a certain someone to expand their restaurant.
Now here is the interesting part.
1) The Atwater House was the first house built on that block on this end of Elmwood, as discovered by maps at the Erie County and Buffalo Historical Society on Elmwood and Nottingham Tr.
2) As reported by Wikinews

3) Recently, in the past few years, an old oil company was unearthed in an archaeological dig in the Erie Canal in Downtown Buffalo that was owned and operated by Edward Atwater who founded the first oil company in Buffalo and also was owner and live in resident of the Atwater house, also reported by Wikinews.
All this information has been ignored by the courts and in fact no one has bothered to even research this property as much as I have. I would not be surprised if no one has even researched the deed on the Atwater house. If Svarino stopped the hotel based on deds that said no businesses, hotels of "anykind whatsoever" then I wonder what the Atwater house deeds say??
In any event, it seems that the fight is over. But if you think a petition would help, someone has set up one on petition.com, which was there during 2003ish when the battle first begun, Sign it to save the Atwater house:

I am not sure who started it but it needs to be updated. Please sign it and spread the link as far as you can.
02/01/2007 15:47 #37953
Hollywood Stock ExchangeCategory: websites
I love this site. It really is neat
. The Hollywood Stock Exchange allows you to trade stocks in movies and movie stars. Movies include newly announced, in production, past or present. It is all 100% free and no catch.
You sign up and get I think 1,000,000 hollywood bucks and you can start trading. It works like the real stock exchange except this is open 24/7 and is worldwide.
The creaters want to use the site as a future of predicitng good and or bad movies. Its hard to explain the dep details, but it is easy to use and play around with.
so go here:
Sign up and mention MY screenname on the site as the reference that got you to sign up: Jason20m1980 and I get money :)
Enjoy and tell me what you think :)

You sign up and get I think 1,000,000 hollywood bucks and you can start trading. It works like the real stock exchange except this is open 24/7 and is worldwide.
The creaters want to use the site as a future of predicitng good and or bad movies. Its hard to explain the dep details, but it is easy to use and play around with.
so go here:

Sign up and mention MY screenname on the site as the reference that got you to sign up: Jason20m1980 and I get money :)
Enjoy and tell me what you think :)
01/30/2007 15:12 #37923
Poll: Americans want Bush impeachedCategory: politics
11/22/2006 13:39 #21972
Impersonation is a bit**Well I thought it would come to this. Apparently someone like to pose as me on Buffalo Rising. It seems I have been accused of badmouthing Sam Savarino of Savarino Construction, the developer who wants to build the hotel on Elmwood and Forest.
It seems that someone somewhere is using my name or screen name on Buffalo Rising and using quotes from articles I have written based on the hotel and badmouthing Savarino in the process.
First things first. I hate Buffalo Rising. It seems to me that everyone on there is the same person with different screen names badmouthing the opponants of the hotel. I have even been told that I write more articles GAINST the hotel than are FOR the hotel.
Maybe it seems that way to some but the truth is, I write what I think is news, in regards to the hotel. Whether its for or against the hotel, I could care less. Where there is news, I will write it.
I do not believe that some people will go to such extremes to stop the flow of accurate information to the public. I as a freelancde journalist believe in nothing but the facts. I report the facts. If someone does not like those facts then talk to me or the direct source. Do not go on some crusade to knock out the little guy becuase you do not like the facts. If you have a problem with me, or my reporting, then talk to me and only me. But I will not allow some sour puss to ruin my reputation on Wikinews. If you have a problem, here I am. Step up.
It seems that someone somewhere is using my name or screen name on Buffalo Rising and using quotes from articles I have written based on the hotel and badmouthing Savarino in the process.
First things first. I hate Buffalo Rising. It seems to me that everyone on there is the same person with different screen names badmouthing the opponants of the hotel. I have even been told that I write more articles GAINST the hotel than are FOR the hotel.
Maybe it seems that way to some but the truth is, I write what I think is news, in regards to the hotel. Whether its for or against the hotel, I could care less. Where there is news, I will write it.
I do not believe that some people will go to such extremes to stop the flow of accurate information to the public. I as a freelancde journalist believe in nothing but the facts. I report the facts. If someone does not like those facts then talk to me or the direct source. Do not go on some crusade to knock out the little guy becuase you do not like the facts. If you have a problem with me, or my reporting, then talk to me and only me. But I will not allow some sour puss to ruin my reputation on Wikinews. If you have a problem, here I am. Step up.
The thing to remember about Polls like that (not that I took it or read it) is that they are kinda faulty or missleading sometimes. It has been said on the site many times (and I agree with it) that most media is biased. However most media outlets will never admit it. Most people who watch MSNBC agree on some issues. The same can be said about Foxnews or any other news outlet. For the survey to be really fair what you would have to do is have it on multiple media sources and then have each media source reveals the numbers. It is also possible to write questions in a way that leads people to the answers you want given.