03/06/2006 23:57 #21403
pics from my walk in long beach03/05/2006 16:05 #21402
wirelessyeah wireless sucks. just lost a whole post.
03/03/2006 12:22 #21401
I love to eat meat fridays during lent!lent, ah that wonderful 40 days before easter. i used to give things up when i was a kid, mostly candy, cause i was not a big candy eater so it was never an issue with me. last nite while out for drinks, i ran into martin, one of our buddies from Limmrick (SP) he said most irishmen give up the drink for lent, and only on the sundays during this time will they imbibe spirits. of course he chastised me for being a dirty proddy (protestant if you didn't get it) as he put it. growing up everyone around me was catholic, and i was the only kid in the cafeteria that had meat on his sandwich every friday during lent. the only day we were not allowed to eat meat was good friday, and of course it was SOOOOOO DIFFICULT. funny thing is there are many days that i don't eat meat. the mind is so funny. tomorrow is the Irish Day party in Rockaway. I AM PSYCHED!!! yeah gonna break that out. i also would like everyone to start using TA-DAOW....remember that? i think it was snoop who popularized that. it is very versatile. it can be used in a variety of ways, just try it out, you will impress anyone you are speaking with no doubt. hahaha.....just a comment on the ensuing brawl on echat over bias on the network news. i feel that if you are going to argue that one is biased, they are all biased. gone is the day that you can trust your news anchor man. they all suck. every one of them. to much time and effort is devoted on tv to what angelina jolie is banging, yes i said what, i mean she was with billy bob, who is wearing whose clothing line, whether or not nick, jake and heath are having a wild rodeo and that is why jessica left him, it is just amazing what people pay attention too. now i can't profess to have all of the answers or even stay extremly tuned in to what is going on. but all of this entertainment tonite and mtv programing is getting our nation of track. letting port deals go through without the blink of an eye, letting jobs be outsourced with out any shouts, hollars of protest. well i am hungry, gotta get some grub. started reading Papa Hemingway, by A.E. Hotchener. awesome book, friggin awesome....Hemingwawould be in my top 5 of people to meet. yeah i know he is dead, i meant if her were alive smart asses. hahaha....seriously Papa was the man.
02/28/2006 23:13 #21400
wild rover no more?Happy Fat Tuesday peeps. everyone is probably out partying with timika. normally i would be, but as of late i have been trying to behave. i mean really behave, save dough, you know, kinda grow up yeah right. so i am looking forward to this weekend!! it is the Irish day parade in Rockaway and we are taking a school bus from my friend Shauna's bar , the Recovery Room (great name for a bar huh, its next to a hospital! haha) in Mineola to the parade. the next day there is Irish day in Mineola and the Recovery Room is having real irish bands play all day and serving bangers and mash, and of course Guinness, Harp, and i am sure copious amounts of Jamesons in shot form. I don't partake in the Jamesons myself, quite nasty if you ask me. But one of the best parts of the weekend is i am being introduced to Shauna's cousin. I am actually looking forward to meeting her. Shauna and her sister Tara have been trying to set this up since Thanksgiving, but i had been kinda reluctant. They had tried to set me up with their friend Maureen who was a total nut job, really attractive, but had nothing of interest to say and was seriously certifiable. Anyways, the plan is to go on my interview at 8am, come home change, go to the deli for breakfast and a guinness, and then make our way to the bus in Mineola. from there it is on to Rockaway. i also started excercising today. i guess like working out. i have three months to get in shape for beach volleyball. i would like to play in 2 leagues. a recreational league and a competitive league. thats the one i need to be in shape for. the rec league i can handle no problem. three months should be more than enough time, its not like i am that out of shape. just need to get some more endurance, and work my legs a bit. a few situps so that i have some power behind the ball and that should be it. i cannot wait for haikuster to have her baby. wonder what the lil one will be, what it will be called. excitement!!!!!!!! get ready e strip!!!
02/25/2006 23:08 #21399
The no spin hardball zoneI just love reading the political commentary on this site. it is both refreshing and irritating in tha fact that it seems as though people cannot look outside of party lines. party party party, why does it always have to be party? seriously people. i mean cmon. if anyone believes that the fact that such and such percentage of americans will not vote for hillary clinton is a rebuke of liberal thinking is out of their mind. it is because she s a carpet bagger who won because she had an enormous bank, and because the republicans of new york fucked rick lazio. i should know my roomate worked for him, and lost his job because hillary won. not voting for hillary has nothing to do (ok 99% nothing to do) with party lines. its the fact that she is in office in a state that she adopted because she saw an easy win. rudy was on the fence because of his prostate, and the next best guy was rick lazio. he lost because rudy hamstrung him by waiting for ever to pull out of the race and the lazio people mismanaged his campaign. plus there was that infamous "attack" during the one debate that really didn't make rick bring his best qualities forth. I met the guy, great guy, amiable, polite, yeah he is a politician, but he spoke to people as a normal person, regular joe. i guarantee that you sit with ole' Hil, and she will come off as fake as pam anderson's new, old new tits. and as for the clinton budget achievements. isn't it congress who controlls the purse strings? are we forgetting basic government 101? yes the president presents congress with a budget...presents...but congress controlls the purse strings when it comes down to it. I just don't understant the stubborness in staying right/left. doesn't the regular citizen understand that this is what keeps our country so divided? the fact that you let an ideology dictate where your beliefs lie, or actually influence how you think about issues, and therefore who you vote for, is fucking insane. I have said this before, and i will say it again. we need more people that are moderates in the sense that they take everything on an issue by issue basis. me, well you can call me what you want, slap whatever label you want on me. i wont vote for hillary, i will vote for mccain if he makes it, and i pray he does....a group of us down here have mccain shirts, the ones with his vietnam service era photo on the front and mccain for president on the back. this port deal, kinda fishy when a pres has not used a veto once, never threatened and now wants to railroad a deal through that puts a country that could possibly harbour terrorists. and the funny thing is he stood on ruble and yelled that everyone would hear us, yeah and now ports within a 25 mile radius will fall into the hands of a company owned by nations that could condone terrorism at the same time paying us lip service concerning their allegiance in the war on terror. we need to reign in the carriage here. bring ownership and jobs back to our own country...oh yeah in case you were wondering china is financing our debt. the next great super power. i am saying that there needs to be more investigation. more questions by the media who need to do their job and not let don rumsfeld dodge questions with his lame ass antecdotes, or his smarmy behavior. fuck him he is responsible to us, US, not to the big corporations, not to his neo con cabal, but to the people, and the administration has seemed to forget this, and the polarization of our country to such vast extremes has allowed this to go on through an palpable hatred for anyone with the opposite extreme view. we need to do what is best for our country, that is the people who live here, not what is best for the party. the party is nothing, the party should be over, where are the federalists, where are the bull moose, where is anyone else??? oh thats right they don't have money for this 30 second spot. can't wait to hear about this one. have a great saturday nite. gonna go have a few pops.
Fabulous.. Walking the beach anytime of year is a treat. Its nice to know that I am not the only one out there taking in nature all year long.