01/30/2006 17:48 #21386
looking around in pt lookout01/29/2006 16:59 #21385
Mystical blue powers?Went out last nite and had a really good time. I actually had visitors, well a visitor at my place last nite., My buddy Rudy stopped by and we pregamed before going out. See no one every comes by, and its not like my place is not comfortable or that you can't hang out. Everyone just ends up going other places i guess. it was cool none the less. After that we venture down into Long Beach and bounced around a few places. Ended up at the Inn of course and ran into Kerri. It was actually really good seeing her. We talked and just basically smiled uncontrollably at one another. The kind of smile that hurts. nothing was resolved or anything, but she does want to talk, go to dinner. Today is a great day. just a smile can really change ones attitude. I also ran into an old friend who works in this bank, Astoria Federal, a big bank down here who wants me to come in and give her my resume. So hopefully this will be the beginning of a positive upswing. Work, and everything else. Maybe it was that blue piece of beach glass? It is like a four leaf clover they say. It would be nice. There are so many things I want to accomplish, get done, take care of. Being in a positive mind set really helps.
I was checking out the war of religion in the posts. I agree that healthy debate is important. unfortunately religion and politics are topics that always come under the gun, and no one is ever swayed it seems to the other side. For example i posted something a while back concerning my "liberalism" there are many topics i am liberal leaning. There are also many topics i am conservative on. As mentioned in the previous post (a while back) i think that is the best course for people to take. Deciding issues across the board, or voting party lines does not allow one to make use of their intelligence and good judgement. Abortion and war are very touchy subjects, as well as religion and politics, but to say that one school of thought or the other has the answers, or is best equipped to provide answers is a stretch. War is an ugly thing. Unfortunately wars happen. It is because humans lack the ability to live peacefully for extedended periods of time. There are various factors that lead to war, greed, jealousy, extreme vews, all of which are faults of being human. Our intelligence and reason are what we are to use to avoid such calamities. As seen with the earthquakes in asia, the tsunami, and the hurricanes in the gulf this year, we have all we can do to survive the wrath of mother nature. Now i am a realist. war is going to happen, but it has to be after healthy debate, all facts being rock solid, and the consent of a people. of course not everyone is going to agree but that is the beauty of our country, you can disagree. Abortion, well I don't like it. HOWEVER, i do feel it should be legal. Now abortion should not be used as a means of birth control, but in order to keep women from going to illegal clinics, or doctors performing unhealthy, unsafe procedures, it needs to be protected under the law. Every individual who is directly effected by this issue, has to decide and live with the consequences of such and act. who's right is it to legislate people's private lives, when the personal suffering by either outcome has to be endured for a lifetime. I believe in the sanctity of life, and i feel that in itself is involved with the whole god question. wow i really went off there. a lot of it is disjointed because i am watching this movie the Jack Bull on HBO, John Cusack is in it. its really good. I think i am going to start trying to take more pics and post more. maybe this week while it is nice i will go to the beach and take some pics around long beach show you all where i live. I mean i know where all of you are, well not really. but you know what i mean.
01/28/2006 18:59 #21384
here are the pics!01/28/2006 18:08 #21382
today's adventure01/28/2006 18:41 #21383
a day at the beach...in January!those were the pics from today's excursion. it was 50 degrees here and i got up early this morning probably because i didn't go out an punish my body last nite. i think tonite might make up for it. though i would like to get up early again tomorrow and go walk the east end of long beach. i found a BLUE piece of beach glass today. i am going to take a pic of my beach treasures and post them for you all to see. i wish that i could take pics of what i see as iam driving. i mean if i had one of those fancy cam corders, they have a feature like that. getting to Robert Moses State park, you drive out the ocean park way which is between the ocean and the great south bay. you have a great view of jones beach, as well as the jones beach ampitheater. It is a really beautiful drive. had the sunroof open flying down the parkway jammin to lowest of the low. nothing better. after that i went to saloon to have lunch. a battered fish sandwich and a pint of bass. it was all in all a great day.
the pics are above peeps
I really love your photos. I love the beach, although the sun doesn't like me too much.
aw the end of the first crab leg pic got cut off. its the coolest part too, cause it has the little teeth.