01/28/2006 18:08 #21382
today's adventure01/28/2006 01:54 #21381
ramblingsCategory: god
all this talk of religion lately sparked by ejtower's post on atheism is cool. Today saw a show on the history channel and it was from the bible to the battlefield. it basically explained how the bible's accounts of battle's can be decoded and really make sense. I believe in god, but more in a sense of a spirtual energy that ties all of us, nature surrounding us, together. a being or something that is a higher ideal. a morality. i do feel that intrinsically we have a battle between good and evil in us all. different circumstances either make us stronger, or weaker in this fight to maintain the decency that we should live are lives with. It all ties in with idea's on liberty and philosophy and the like.
01/27/2006 10:06 #21380
a bookmark in timeCategory: lost
so yesterday i went to do laundry and i was having trouble finding my book to read. well i wanted to get to the laundromat and get it done because i had a date last nite, so had to have clean jeans (not like i don't normally have clean jeans) i got to the laundromat and put my colours in and my whites in, and the lady who works there got my attention and asked me if this book that she was holding was mine. i was really excited, more so because i was getting my bookmark back that i was looking for feverishly all week. see this bookmark is a very important possesion. It started out as the beginning of a short story i had an the idea to write. it was more prose than anything. well for some reason or another i decided to fold up the paper in 4's, and begin using it as a bookmark. well while i would be reading, any reference to another author, book, poetry, anything that would be mentioned that seemed worth reading, especially classics, i would write down on this newly transformed bookmark. i had written a few poems, and on one occasion i was home a few summers ago, and sitting outside at bullfeathers, an ex girlfriend and i had written some erotic haiku back and forth on it. it was a simple piece of paper, and it is quite odd, but i a really annoyed that it is gone. what makes it worse, was i asked the woman attendant if she had found the paper with the book. now in doing this, in no way was i accusing her of turning through the book, or taking the bookmark out and looking at it. my point was that while another attendant may have moved the book out of the way behind the counter and it could have fallen out, and would she please just take a look around behing the counter, on the shelves and in the drawers and the few file keeping folders and binders. well she gave me attitude and not once did i raise my voice or get aggresive. i was very....understanding, very calm. i explained to her the significance of the bookmark, and what was on it. it was odd, because normally i have a good relationship with this woman. i mean i don't know her name but we are friendly, small talk, i hold the door for her when she is taking laundry out to peoples cars, stuff like that. but then again, this was the same woman who had no sympathy for my roomate when this couple went through his laundry and stole new jeans, boxer briefs (yeah someone stole guys underware, fucked up) she said that she saw nothing. well the laundromat is not that big. i fucking hate laundromats. well my date was nice last nite. met out for a couple drinks at this bar effin groovin. they have a ton of cool beers on tap, and in the bottle. stuff that really packs a walop. like 12% alcohol. well i had two of the lightest beers there called effin lite, and melissa had two diet coke and malibu. the converstaion was not bad, it would ebb and flow, which was kind of rough at times, because it seemed like the responsibility of reviving the convo was placed squarely on my shoulders. she is a really nice girl, and not nice in the oh thats not gonna work nice. she has beautiful dark eyes, and dark hair. i have trouble not looking at her lips while she talks, because they are just aching to be kissed. i was sitting there trying to figure out what they would taste like, and i figured it was something berryish, because when she would talk, her breath would come out and i thought the scent was the lip gloss. the date went about 3 hours, and it really didn't seem like it was that long, it flew by which is a good thing i think. i guess my problem is that she does not seem that enthusiastic. but she keeps calling and persuing. or it could be that i am in that place right now where i can't get my antenna to pick up the signals. the date ended with a hug and the call me i had a good time, we have to do this again. then when we were on the high way i was sitting at a left turn and she went bye beeped and waved. we shall see.
01/23/2006 20:29 #21378
from the coat pockets of aliensCategory: poetry
vapour trails
criss crossing twilight
i walk the moon
at ocean's edge
among debris dropped
from the coat pocket's of aliens
trying as i might to
pour my love, my heart, my affection
into her from such great heights.
01/24/2006 17:57 #21379
the message that floated up on the beachCategory: messages
went to the beach today for a walk, its' still nice out down here and on my walk i found a message stuck in a wine bottle. seriously i did. it was really quite exciting. it took awhile for me to get the damned thing out though. i broke the cork off, and then pushed the rest of it in with my car key. the problem was getting the messages out of the bottle would really require me to break it. i walked up the beach to the board walk, and tried to whack it against one of the concrete piers. the problem was i didn't want to draw a lot of attention with the sound of breaking glass. then i found this piece of a bolt or something, layed the bottle in the sand and then hit the neck of the bottle. it broke easily and then pulled out the messages. well the excitement kind of ended then because the messages were really not that great. one of the pieces of paper had an address on it, and according to that the notes originated in Mahopac, which is up along the hudson river well north of the city. so now i am wondering if that is really where the bottle was thrown in. i mean i wouldnt think the currents would deposit the bottle on Long Beach, but rather on the Jersey Shore. The other piece of paper had rambling on it that i can only assume were written while the bottle of wine was being drank. i might send a letter to the address on the one piece of paper, not sure. i think saturday i am going to take a trip to sag harbour or shelter island. I would like to go to some beach that i have not been to yet. it is supposed to be 50 hear this weekend, even after the bad weather we are expecting on wednesday and thursday. john steinbeck lived in sag habour so maybe he has a house out there i can check out while i am out there. i am going to try and take pictures of the notes and then load them up for you all to see.