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Codypomeray's Journal

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01/13/2006 10:16 #21374

correction: It is the Your messages box that comes up ever change of page.

01/13/2006 10:15 #21373

y,y,y r less
ok, so i finally have the internet at home again and i hooked up my wireless router. problem is the connection comes and goes, yet the signal is still listed as excellent, PLUS my computer is on my desk, which is about a foot or so away from the router! any suggestions, comments. another problem is that when i hook up the ether net cable, i get no connection. it says i have one, but i can not get online.wi really know nothing about networking, and such. i have to attempt to build a network for my comp and my roomates comp so the signal is secure. maybe that is why i am having difficulty with the connection. not sure, but it could make sense. oh yeah and one more question, why every time i bring up a page does the your comment box pop up. i am psyched to get comments, but how do i make the box go away permanently once i read the comment? yeah i had no coffee this morning.

01/11/2006 04:42 #21372

the queen has arrived....i think


01/11/2006 03:57 #21371

gardens felt like you - and a sea of....
im yeah my roomie is back with his ex, ex...and well i am not going to lie, it gives me hope. a foolish thing i know, but what am i supposed to do. i actually went out saturday nite with my roomate in long beach. he has not been out, free and unfetered in 2 years. it was insane. the drinks that were being consumed, and the dancing. we ran into a group of girls that are friends of mine, and just seriously boogied down. it was an awesome time. he left me at the Inn, i don't even remember him leaving me there, that is how much fun it was. I know its alittle delayed but i hope everyone had fun on new years, i had a pretty good time at a party in astoria. even came up with a haiku for the fridge.

gardens felt like you
and a sea of aching petals
worship delirious language

i need to start writing more. i need to start writing and get the broken string on my guitar restrung. i have time to do both. i just need to do them. anyone have post its?? going to bed, it is supposed to be nice here tomorrow. 50's i think. maybe i will go down to the beach. probably lots of beach glass. talk to you all later.

01/11/2006 03:31 #21370

I gotta woman....way 'cross town...
We finally have internet in my apartment again!! no more going to starbucks, or running to my buddy calvins house to plug in. hooked up my wireless router and everything. now i just have to figure out how to make a network that is secure for my roomate's computer and mine. the signal is just out there and i am not sure if that is a good thing or not. well no job as of yet, went on an interview, and the guy talked me out of the positoin. it was another recruiting job. my friend courtney works there and wanted me to come in just to see if i was interested. i am kind of, but i feel that i am at the point in my life where i have to start building a future, i mean 29 is not to early, hahaha. i want to feel more secure and have the ablility to do more of the things that i want to do. so i did not want to take a position that i would not be happy with in a few months or even more so, not be doing well at. that leads me to another trouble area in my life. kerri. well i have decided that i am going to take her to dinner, and say listen, i think about you a lot, and i don't like what we were doing. going out, and then spending the nite together and not talking for two weeks. i am going to propose that we see each other again. with more space than the first time around. now with that, though i am going to ask if it is something she wants to do, or if it is something that she will just do. does that make any sense? i have to do this to move on. i think about her entirely too much. this weekend will be the the 1 year from when i met her. martin luther king weekend, the sunday. i called a bunch of my friends to go out, i said there would be a lot of cute teachers out because of having monday off. well i was right. my friends were hitting on her and her friends, and she walked away from them and sat down next to me at the bar and said hi. and then we started talking. i said i would meet her out that wednesday at open mic, but i was really sick. we had no heat in the apt for that whole week. my friend roland told her, and then the next time i saw her i didn't think she was interested. finally 2 weeks later she came over to me and said are you going to talk to me or ask me out or what? i walked her home, and we spent the nite kissing, cuddling and talking. it was great. from then on, it was always kerri and eric. i don't want to move on, i would like her back, but if i have to, then it has to be like that. my roomate has started seeing the girl he moved her for. they broke up 5 years ago. they had talked about marriage, houses, kids. now he doesn't know what he is doing. i told him that sometimes things like that happen, don't let your pride get in the way. however if it is something that you really feel is not the right thing to do then, well i guess you have to do what you think is right. i personally think that they will get back together, and pick up where they left off. though i did see what happened to him when they broke up. i am going to get kicked offline. have to finish up in a min......