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12/14/2005 21:36 #21365

snow party wishes
Oh yeah i am really jealous that there is this big party on the 17th. it sounds like a lot of fun. if i were home i would definately try and attend. sometimes i think about packing it up down here and moving home. it can't be all that bad. right? everyone have fun at the snow party. i am looking forward to reading posts about it afterwords. i have a couple party's on the itinterary down here. they should be fun. one is a dress up party, gotta get the shirt to the dry cleaners, i love the way the cuffs and collar are after the dry cleaner with med starch. so crisp. nice tie, and v neck sweater, dress pants, shoes. should be fun, cocktails, mistle toe, what is the a song here? anyways everyone have fun and be safe

12/14/2005 21:17 #21364

The Great Beard On
hello hello hello! ok so here it is, i am just going to put it out there. Anyone, and i mean anyone want to move to the north, i mean way the fuck up there and well i guess start a ranch type deal? hahaha. that was great. a ranch type deal, so in case you are wondering i have no clue what i am talking about. well no really i do. plus i have a 4 day head start on all of you suckers with my beard. yeah i have a beard, and it is coming in quite nicely i may say. neatly groomed on the neck, and cheeks, i made it passed the ugly dirty phase with flying colors. anyways back to the homestead act. i figure we could trap and hunt and fish, and raise crops. drink great canadian beer and watch hockey. i mean we are not going to be living in the stone age, but just apart from everything else. what caused this snap in sanity you ask? or maybe not, well i was fired last thursday. yup. they said it was not working out, that though i was good at what i was doing, i missing that certain something, that one intangible that would have put me over the top, and kept my seat in the office. in other news, i have been bounding about the city and long island, i didn't get to come home for thanksgiving because we had to work the next day, it really was not that bad. i went out in mineola with some friends and then my buddy's girlfriend's family had me over for dinner. it was all people "our" age. they call it kids thanksgiving because Shauna, my friend, her mom and dad go to ireland every year to see family, and shauna's sister tara has dinner at her house. it was nice. lots of food and wine and beer, and then off to work on the 7:10 train the next morning. oh oh oh i did get to go see U2 at the Garden!! my friend julie, her company owns a luxury box, so she gave me two tickets and i got to bring a date. i thought about bringing kerri, but kaibashed that. took this girl jana instead. we used to date awhile back, it was just a fun time, thats it. kerri, well that is just a pain in my head, heart, ass. we usually go out twice a month, dinner, movie, drinks, and then i stay over. i tell you, like a moth to the flame. have not spoke to her since the saturday after thanksgiving. i really would like to keep it that way, but on the other hand it drives me nuts. i have been meeting a lot of girls randomly though. it is fun. here is something for ya. 4 years ago i meet this girl vincenza, meet her out at a bar in the city, we hit it off, dance, talk, make out a little bit outside the bar, S.O.P, she tells me she lives in Long beach i was like great i live over the bridge in island park. She is like honey, Long beach california. so we stay in touch, talk on the phone and she wanted me to come visit. i said sure, plus i could visit haikuster. well we lose touch. i send out a chain email the other day, something i never do. and well she responds back, do you even know who this is. i write to her and explain that i do. she calls me two nites later and tells me she is living in richmond hill queens. bout 1/2 hour from me. not even. she is coming over to watch elf drink wine and eat pizza tomorrow nite by my gaily decorated xmas tree. wild wierd shit huh. unreal. i wonder what her position on facial hair is. mmmmmmm i really don't want to get rid of this until it is absolutely necessary. well i have to go. gotta go work, well i picked up a bartend gig, and a couple catering gigs. i think i should just go back to school and try to be a teacher. get a job that i can work 9-5 make decent bank and go to grad school at nite. that sounds good huh? any advice, fire away i am all ears. oh the pic is me and the twins, nicholas, and my beeeeautiful godaughter emily. there dad left my cousin. he is a dick. just wanted to say that.

07/18/2005 17:41 #21363

had to go to garden city to get it
got my offer sheet!!! Well i had to go to garden city to get it. when i got to the fedex office, the man behind the counter said that i should call ahead with the number that is printed on the door sticked. i promptly informed him that there was no door sticker, and that i was home both days that the package was attempted to be delivered. he then said he would make a note of that. maybe the courier will get in trouble. went o the beach today for 3 hours, it was nice and cool there. started reading Another Road Side Attraction, by tom robbins. his books are amazing. the things that he writes, you just start laughing from shock and random moments of the book. really good so far. can't wait to start this job. i have nothing else in me right now to say. so i am going say adios .

07/17/2005 21:47 #21362

night trains
i hear the train through
the dark,
i hear the train through the fog
the steel wheels, clack clacking
across the tracks
i hear the train because I do not
hear you
your breath,
i hear the doors open
and shut, echoing in the hallways
of my mind, footsteps
pacing back and forth
i hear the doors, the footsteps because
i do not hear you,
your breath

07/17/2005 14:21 #21361

the block party yesterday was a good time. lots of food and drink had by all in attendance. it ended up being a nice day, well except for the humidity, but at least it was not raining!! sometimes i think the dogs have more fun than we do. they had the run of the block, running around saying hi to one another, sniffing, biting, barking, stealing a bite here and there from peoples plates left unattended, when the party was winding down i took a walk a few streets over to visit with my friends brian, and his girlfriend meghan, and my other buddy rory. i had not seen or spoken to them in a long time, so of course that required a few drinks to catch up with one another, then the wierdest thing happened. these 3 people came walking across the street with MOLSON CANADIANS!!! i jumped up and immediately asked them where they were from. now you have to understand people down here just don't go to the store and buy molsons. so they were like well we went to UB!!! so naturally i let them know that i a, from buffalo and the reminiscing began. it was quite an evening up till then. brian meghan and i walked over to trainors where i ran into all of kerri's friends. i had a drink and decided to leave. no need to hang out there, i said all of my hellos and such and got out of there. i did dial her up though after i left which was a big mistake, left a silly message and then ran into a few other friends who i had not seen in a while. one of whom i went on a few dates with last summer and asked if i would be interested in going to the movies, i said sure, but really i don't care either way. i just can't wait to start this job and have something to really concentrate on. i try to concentrate on reading, writing, and it just doesn't work. i just hope that everything works out. doesn't that sound funny? it really does, almost ridiculous