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12/27/2005 14:58 #21368

Ex-mas time
Went cruising around down on Allen St. last nite with a couple of buddies. Started out at Colter bay, then hit frizzy's the pink and brick bar. It was quite an evening. we ended the festivities at bullfeathers. I have to say i was having a pretty good time at the pink, pix messaging to haikuster. Since she couldn't have a molson, i took a pic of one and then sent it along. it looks pretty good with the red tint. I couldn't help but wonder while i was at the pink and frizzy's if anyone in there was an estripper. anyways, tonite it is off to crystal beach to have dinner at one of my good friend's father's house. i have not seen his dad in almost 4 years, since my buddy's wedding. It should be great Mr. O'Neill never dissapoints. I know that it is only over the peace bridge, but i just love going to canada. unfortunately i missed the boxing day party last nite at mike's brothers house. I think now i am going to write about the comment i made about one of jenk's posts on ex's. Kerri and i broke up in june, and i had asked her not to call or speak to me. During our relationship we spoke about what we wanted in the future and goals, and came to the conclusion that we both wanted the same things, and of course we loved being together. ok that is the short clean version, anyways. we broke up in june as i said, and of course she would call, text, and run into me on a regular basis. so it made things very difficult. of course i didn't help things out myself, i was like a moth to the flame. i wanted to spend time with her, i loved her she is beautiful and just being with her was well, i felt at ease. so then it became a monthly thing where she would call and we would go to a movie, dinner, or drinks, and then we would spend the nite together. of course no good. i mean it was good, but doing it was not good for me. the last time this happened was the saturday after thanksgiving. she said somethings that were, well honestly fucked up. She knows how i feel, hell everyone knows how i feel. So now we had not spoke since thanksgiving. she didn't even ask if i was coming home, and i wasnt, had to work. last thursday i was out with some friends in garden city, and we ran into her sister karen. it was good to see her, she said she asked kerri about me all the time and wished that i would be spending christmas eve with their family. that is the big nite for them. we talked and it was nice. i explained to her that i had not spoke to kerri in almost a month. so after talking for a good long while, my friends and i left and then friday, around 4 or so Kerri calls. she asks if i am going home for christmas, and then wants to have a conversation. we talk for awhile, and then asks when i am coming back, and makes a point of saying that she will be around this week because she is not going away. normally she goes away during christmas break. i was like great, then she asks me about new years. now honestly, i want to talk to her, but i would rather not because after everytime i speak to her or see her, i have to "reset" and begin all over again. i know that it should be easier, but it is not, i don't hater her or anything like that but that might make it easier. ex's just suck. especially when you and everyone around them/you knows they had a great thing that they threw out. i guess maybe thats one reason why it is hard. you see a family with someone, a future and then it's gone, like that. she still does have the poem i wrote her on her wall with the beach glass in the jars. i guess that is something.

12/22/2005 17:43 #21367

Panthro or Lion-o?
i was not able to put everything in my last post, for some reason aol timesout everytime i access estrip through AOL. anyways. i have an interview next week that i am very excited for. i am pretty sure that i have the job already, if i want it, and that the interview is a formlaity. see i was let go from my other job 2 weeks ago. yeah no shit. who fires people this close to the holidays? I know this other guy who was fired recently. at least keep people around until after the holidays. as anyone ever had the discussion on who cheetarah was hooking up with in the Thundercats? i am at my friends house right now and the discussion about Lion-o, Panthro, and Cheetarah. I am just sitting here while they dicuss this pressing issue. hahaha....well i will put more in later on. gotta run to dinner. Outback tonite.
alicia - 12/27/05 10:48
hahaha lion-o all the way he's the man!!! i'm glad you liked my story, merry christmas to you and your loved ones

12/22/2005 17:18 #21366

Over the river...
I am leaving for home on saturday, yes the long drive home to buffalo on christmas eve. I don't mind the drive but it would be a lot better if someone else was in the car with me. I guess you kind of get the over the river and through the woods kinda mentality on a long drive up rt 17, seriously, through the woods and snow! i am not sure how excited i am about dealing with the snow, we have none hear yet. its cold as hell, but no snow. plan on hitting a few local watering holes when i am home. faherty's, bullfeathers, and any other ones that suit my fancy. are there any sabres games over the holiday weekend? i would like to go to one, have not been to see them play in a few years.
metalpeter - 12/22/05 18:24
I don't have the schedulle in front of me so I can't check each day. But there is a Homegame on Monday Night, don't remember who the play or the time.

12/14/2005 21:36 #21365

snow party wishes
Oh yeah i am really jealous that there is this big party on the 17th. it sounds like a lot of fun. if i were home i would definately try and attend. sometimes i think about packing it up down here and moving home. it can't be all that bad. right? everyone have fun at the snow party. i am looking forward to reading posts about it afterwords. i have a couple party's on the itinterary down here. they should be fun. one is a dress up party, gotta get the shirt to the dry cleaners, i love the way the cuffs and collar are after the dry cleaner with med starch. so crisp. nice tie, and v neck sweater, dress pants, shoes. should be fun, cocktails, mistle toe, what is the a song here? anyways everyone have fun and be safe

12/14/2005 21:17 #21364

The Great Beard On
hello hello hello! ok so here it is, i am just going to put it out there. Anyone, and i mean anyone want to move to the north, i mean way the fuck up there and well i guess start a ranch type deal? hahaha. that was great. a ranch type deal, so in case you are wondering i have no clue what i am talking about. well no really i do. plus i have a 4 day head start on all of you suckers with my beard. yeah i have a beard, and it is coming in quite nicely i may say. neatly groomed on the neck, and cheeks, i made it passed the ugly dirty phase with flying colors. anyways back to the homestead act. i figure we could trap and hunt and fish, and raise crops. drink great canadian beer and watch hockey. i mean we are not going to be living in the stone age, but just apart from everything else. what caused this snap in sanity you ask? or maybe not, well i was fired last thursday. yup. they said it was not working out, that though i was good at what i was doing, i missing that certain something, that one intangible that would have put me over the top, and kept my seat in the office. in other news, i have been bounding about the city and long island, i didn't get to come home for thanksgiving because we had to work the next day, it really was not that bad. i went out in mineola with some friends and then my buddy's girlfriend's family had me over for dinner. it was all people "our" age. they call it kids thanksgiving because Shauna, my friend, her mom and dad go to ireland every year to see family, and shauna's sister tara has dinner at her house. it was nice. lots of food and wine and beer, and then off to work on the 7:10 train the next morning. oh oh oh i did get to go see U2 at the Garden!! my friend julie, her company owns a luxury box, so she gave me two tickets and i got to bring a date. i thought about bringing kerri, but kaibashed that. took this girl jana instead. we used to date awhile back, it was just a fun time, thats it. kerri, well that is just a pain in my head, heart, ass. we usually go out twice a month, dinner, movie, drinks, and then i stay over. i tell you, like a moth to the flame. have not spoke to her since the saturday after thanksgiving. i really would like to keep it that way, but on the other hand it drives me nuts. i have been meeting a lot of girls randomly though. it is fun. here is something for ya. 4 years ago i meet this girl vincenza, meet her out at a bar in the city, we hit it off, dance, talk, make out a little bit outside the bar, S.O.P, she tells me she lives in Long beach i was like great i live over the bridge in island park. She is like honey, Long beach california. so we stay in touch, talk on the phone and she wanted me to come visit. i said sure, plus i could visit haikuster. well we lose touch. i send out a chain email the other day, something i never do. and well she responds back, do you even know who this is. i write to her and explain that i do. she calls me two nites later and tells me she is living in richmond hill queens. bout 1/2 hour from me. not even. she is coming over to watch elf drink wine and eat pizza tomorrow nite by my gaily decorated xmas tree. wild wierd shit huh. unreal. i wonder what her position on facial hair is. mmmmmmm i really don't want to get rid of this until it is absolutely necessary. well i have to go. gotta go work, well i picked up a bartend gig, and a couple catering gigs. i think i should just go back to school and try to be a teacher. get a job that i can work 9-5 make decent bank and go to grad school at nite. that sounds good huh? any advice, fire away i am all ears. oh the pic is me and the twins, nicholas, and my beeeeautiful godaughter emily. there dad left my cousin. he is a dick. just wanted to say that.