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01/24/2006 17:57 #21379

the message that floated up on the beach
Category: messages
went to the beach today for a walk, its' still nice out down here and on my walk i found a message stuck in a wine bottle. seriously i did. it was really quite exciting. it took awhile for me to get the damned thing out though. i broke the cork off, and then pushed the rest of it in with my car key. the problem was getting the messages out of the bottle would really require me to break it. i walked up the beach to the board walk, and tried to whack it against one of the concrete piers. the problem was i didn't want to draw a lot of attention with the sound of breaking glass. then i found this piece of a bolt or something, layed the bottle in the sand and then hit the neck of the bottle. it broke easily and then pulled out the messages. well the excitement kind of ended then because the messages were really not that great. one of the pieces of paper had an address on it, and according to that the notes originated in Mahopac, which is up along the hudson river well north of the city. so now i am wondering if that is really where the bottle was thrown in. i mean i wouldnt think the currents would deposit the bottle on Long Beach, but rather on the Jersey Shore. The other piece of paper had rambling on it that i can only assume were written while the bottle of wine was being drank. i might send a letter to the address on the one piece of paper, not sure. i think saturday i am going to take a trip to sag harbour or shelter island. I would like to go to some beach that i have not been to yet. it is supposed to be 50 hear this weekend, even after the bad weather we are expecting on wednesday and thursday. john steinbeck lived in sag habour so maybe he has a house out there i can check out while i am out there. i am going to try and take pictures of the notes and then load them up for you all to see.

01/23/2006 20:29 #21378

from the coat pockets of aliens
Category: poetry
vapour trails
criss crossing twilight

i walk the moon
at ocean's edge
among debris dropped
from the coat pocket's of aliens

trying as i might to
pour my love, my heart, my affection
into her from such great heights.

01/23/2006 20:12 #21377

run in's with ex's and the law
I was just watching Shop Girl when the dvd went bad. How dissapointing. Though i guess i had it coming, i bought 2 bootleg dvd's in brooklyn the other day when i went with calvin to collect rent from his tenants. They were only 5 bucks each, so i guess that is what you get when you pay 5 dollars for a dvd. everything became green blocks. you could see shilouettes, but they were covered in green flouescent blocks. oh well. it was one hell of a weekend i must say. a lot going on. friday afternoon i went for a long friday nite went out in long beach with one of my buddies from my last job in the city. we had a good time, and then from there i just bounce around long beach. saturday i was going to go for a walk on the beach again, but the weather was starting to turn. my freinds brian and megan called me up and i met them out at the Whale's tail and we ate lots of seafood and drank beers. then around dinner we decided to order Thai food and take it to there house. i had never eaten thai food before. i was really looking forward to it as there was a new resturaunt in long beach and it was really nice inside. while we waited for our food we decided to sit and just check the place out. relaly cool. we ordered three dishes and just shared. a chicken dish, a shrimp dish, and then a beef curry dish. well i am not a fan of curry. the smell, the taste. and how it hurt my stomach later on that evening, oh god. the other two dishes were great though. i will definately try Thai food again. well after dinner we sat down and put in the U2 dvd and all of us passed out. i woke up around 5 am, and drove home, only to find out that i didn't have my house keys! Sunday i went to the Inn with aaron, (my roomate) and his ex ex girlfriend. we were having a grand time, when in walked her ex boyfriend and his wife. about an hour later, kerri walked in with her friend craig. holy awkward batman. it was one hell of a nite. has anyone read that this group in New Hampshire is trying to petition to have justice souter's house taken in the name of eminant domain? i think it is great. now i understand that justices are given life terms for their protection and ours essentially. however it seems that their rulings have little to no effect on themselves directly. this is one way to show that they too are not above the law and should think twice before they make a ruling. now i understand there are situations where progress could be furthered by someone being dislocated. however. for a strip mall as in the case in where was it new london? these people had no chance. it just seems that greed is what is driving everything. and even our laws seem suseptible to the scourge. i hope this is a wake up call for our justices.

01/21/2006 10:47 #21376

Irish mist is very persuasive, really!
went to the saloon last nite and ended up in an interesting conversation with this old guy about music. apparently, according to scott (the old guy's name, though i don't think scott is a good name for an old guy) all of the best muscians who died in the 60's and 70's died at 27. thats what he said. so , who was i to argue when shots of irsih mist were being bought for myself, and my friend meghan. really though irish mist can be very persuasive. saw my friend buffalo kim last nite also. the reason for calling her buffalo kim, is first off she is from b-lo, second i know about 4 kims who all live in long beach so that is how we dfferentiate who is who. buffalo kim is great. we go to McFaddens to watch bills games. it is are in this bar and everyone there is a bills fan, thsy play the shout song, have buffalo wings, labatts and molson on tap, beef on kimilwick (sp) and then you look out the windows and you see manhattan. its funny i have been missing home a lot lately, especially reading everyone's posts, and seeing how people from estrip are connecting and becoming friends. it is great. just wish i could be part of that. seriously though irsih mist is very persuasive. boogied down last nite, yup, sure did. damn mist

01/20/2006 20:20 #21375

frosted glass and friends of old
YEAH!!! finally resolved my internet problems.....well actually my friend down the hall helped me out. he know's computer stuff. how bad did that just sound. Hey i tried to build a network for my roomate and myself, just was not very good at it. i think i right clicked a few to many times. anyways it is working and i am happy about that. how about this weather!!!! went to the beach today and walked and walked and walked, and picked up 6 good pieces of beach glass. it is amazing what washes up from the ocean. huge pieces of wood, thick rope, plastics, bottles, lighters, MANY MANY lighters. there was a lot more glass, but none of it was "beach glass" in case you are wondering what makes it beach glass, the glass has a frosted look to it, and the edges are softened from the salt, sand and the crashing waves. yeah i walked for a few hours listening to the Garden State soundtrack. seriously love that. i can just listen to it front to back, top to bottom, over and over again. it was great being on the beach today. i was so happy. it is strange how you can be missing someone, and still be very happy at the same time. i was walking down indiana towards the ocean, and i looked down oceanview ln, and saw kerri and her roomate outside. kept on walking though.i emailed her last week and said that i would like to take her to dinner. i was suprised that i got no respones. though i did say that i would call her. ahh.. got a call last nite from an old friend that i have not spoke with in oh....probably a year and a half. my friend kat and i got to know one another when i lived above her on richmond ave with my then girlfriend. kat and kim lived below us and they went to school with kristen at dyouville. so naturally i became close with them and when they graduated, kim stayed in buffalo with her boyfriend (and my friend) josh, and kat and kristen went back to long island. we all stayed very close, and kept in touch. i was working at bullfeathers before i moved to long island and when i got down here, kat and i remained friends, and everything was fine. well issues arose and kristen and kim fell out of friendship. kim moved here and then got married to josh. Well Kat was kim's maid of honour. now most people give that to someone very close to them, it is a position that means something in a person's life experience. or at least thats the way i see it. everntually for what ever reason, kim and kat fell out of favour with one another. i tried to keep the two of them talking, by saying that their friendship was important, and all friendships evolve, but to work on it. well that didn't happen. kim would try to reach kat, and her attempts were not returned. kat did not know that kim and josh had moved to albany, and she didn't know that kim was pregnant last year. the way she found out about josh and kim's baby braeden was i texted her the next day with his "stats". so christmas nite i received a text from kat saying she was thinking of me and my typewriter that her father had given me 3 years ago on easter. i returend her call and then voila last nite she called me and we talked for almost two hours. it was good to hear from her, and by no means have i let her off the hook for her actions i guess you could say. i plan on broaching the issue when we are face to face. kat had a lot of things going on in her life, that most people would need to speak with a friend about. i mean i made it more than clear that i was there for a shoulder to lean on, she could vent to me, talk to me, or we could just go out and have fun, do whatever. i feel that that was well known. and i undestand that people deal with issues in there own way, but to throw away friendships because you are handling things in your own way? that does not make sense to me. if you need space, let me know. sorry about the rant, but after talking with kim, i started thinking again about the whole thing. well at least we are talking now, and kat says that she wants to keep in touch, and actually hang out sometime. we will see. hahaha i got in trouble last nite from one of my buddies for opening the door for my buddy jeff's girlfriend. last friday i had an interview and it was total shit. i got the job, but the job blows, so i am not taking it. anyways. i got out and wanted to go for lunch. so i called shauna. she is a nurse and is dating my buddy jeff. well i pick her up and we go to this place in rockville centre called macaurthur park. i opened the car door for her, it really didn't occur to me not to. (jenks door story reminded me of this) so last nite i go to hang out with the "boys" and drink beers, smoke cigars, and play cards and complain about how wicked women are. so jeff says hey eric, what the fuck man, i say what's the problem? he says you opened the door for shauna. i was confused and then started laughing. he says great, now she keeps saying that"ERIC OPENED THE DOOR,WHY CANT YOU. all of course in a little voice with some attitude. priceless. shit like that really cracks me up. ok, enough torture. gonna wrap this one up. talk to you later all.