I bought a pair of rollerblades. I haven't rollerbladed since 5th grade.
I didn't realize that the one's I bought don't have brakes.

I don't know how to stop & it looks really fucking funny when I try to stop.
Look for me on elmwood and prepare to laugh.
It's a totally different workout then I am used to for my legs, stomach and back. I wish there was some type of die you could rub on yourself that would turn colors to show you what muscles were being used. Like blue for inactive muscles and red for actives ones. I think it would be a cool experiment.
I'm an old fart and never did the rollerblading thing... love love loved rollerskating when i was a kid, though. Probably still would... but i am not nearly as brave as you are -- heading up and down Elmwood on miniwheels...
That's a good idea... for the dye... everytime I get toward the end of an exercise and my form gets kinda sloppy it would be interesting to see what muscles I use to keep the movement going so I could learn how to keep from doing it and maximize muscle seperartion.