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07/30/2005 13:05 #20951
YARD SALE07/30/2005 00:05 #20950
UNIXAnyone know of where I can learn UNIX or a good book to start with? I am familiar with the basic rudimentary commands and can get as fancy as tar and untar files to be emailed, but my skills stop there. Is it possible to publish on (e:strip) via a terminal window?
07/24/2005 20:30 #20947
Buoys?Does anyone know what keeps buoys in one spot? I'd particularly like to know about the ones in Lake Ontario, but now that I've thought about it, what keeps the ones in the ocean from floating off as well? really long ropes?
matthew - 07/24/05 20:30
I think maybe chains.
I think maybe chains.
07/23/2005 00:23 #20946
Its sooo nice to be home07/15/2005 22:53 #20945
Clorox FreshNothing says clean and shiny like Clorox. Sure it makes my bare hands raw and smell, my nails get soft and brittle, but damn does it clean up anything and everything.
now. I get to go out and drink. wheeeeeee!
now. I get to go out and drink. wheeeeeee!
mike - 07/15/05 22:53
I wish I was out drinking now ...
I wish I was out drinking now ...
That stinks that he doesn't introduce you...I have often been accused of not introducing people and I will admit I am guilty of honestly doesn't usually cross my mind which is so is one of the things I am most working on to improve because I know I hate it when I'm not introduced yet I rarely introduce others...not that they are people I am dating, just friends and stuff
there are several linux command line browsers that should work in other flavors of *nix - emacs/w3 (i've not used it but I know people who swear by it; lynx :::link::: which i play with from time to time.