Today was so hot and muggy. I came home on my lunch and went swimming. I think I pulled something in my left arm when I fell off the rock this weekend. After I finished doing laps, my arm really hurts.
I hope tomorrow is just as nice. I want to go sailing. :)
Boxerboi's Journal
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07/12/2005 23:56 #20944
HOT HOT HOT07/12/2005 07:48 #20943
2848 views07/11/2005 19:20 #20942
YAYYeah! The watermelon motif is back. haha this is my favorite one!
(e:paul) I hear you about running in place. I really resented Canisius after graduation when I realized that most of us didn't have a job and didn't have the slightest idea when we would be getting one. What a let down. Paul is so talented; just look at this site. I don't think your $70k was a waste, you're going to find something to do that will make this whole thing worth while.
haha the flip side of all of this is that my friend Geoff is teaching piano two days a week and loving it, never finished college and is ridiculously talented. is it really more talent than intelligence or are they one in the same? Not to say that Geoffrey isn't intelligent,its just that he could have gone to college to become what he already is.
blah. here's to spending $20k more so I can hang another diploma on my wall in 2007.
(e:paul) I hear you about running in place. I really resented Canisius after graduation when I realized that most of us didn't have a job and didn't have the slightest idea when we would be getting one. What a let down. Paul is so talented; just look at this site. I don't think your $70k was a waste, you're going to find something to do that will make this whole thing worth while.
haha the flip side of all of this is that my friend Geoff is teaching piano two days a week and loving it, never finished college and is ridiculously talented. is it really more talent than intelligence or are they one in the same? Not to say that Geoffrey isn't intelligent,its just that he could have gone to college to become what he already is.
blah. here's to spending $20k more so I can hang another diploma on my wall in 2007.
07/10/2005 13:50 #20941
Pictures from panama rocks07/09/2005 20:11 #20940
Panama RocksJeff and I went to Panama rocks today. What a cool trip. The place wasn't that big, but we spent about three hours climbing rocks and walking around. I slipped and whacked my hand pretty badly, but it still works.
I love Panama rocks, invite us if you ever go again.