09/03/04 04:46 - ID#26723
interesting findings

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Words: 115
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: dreams
09/03/04 11:04 - ID#26722
strange dreams again
i do remember being in some sort of mall or train station of some sort, up on the third floor. i had to pee, but the only way down was with an elevator. all the elevators were broken. there was one escalator, but i could not get to it because there were people smooshed on it like sardines, just standing there making it unusable. on an awake note now, i do not think i that escalator could have been working if people were just standing on it like that.
then i woke up because my boyfriend's alarm went off.
then i went back to sleep and dreamed that i was in my apartment, but other people lived there. someone my bed got put in a tiny little room and there was a baby crib pushed right up against the side of my bed. i felt claustrophobic so i pushed the crib over, but i guess i woke up the baby. the baby stood up and looked at me like it was going to cry if i didn't give it my teddy bear (which i hold on to for dear life when i am sleeping). i wouldn't give it to him, so he went back in the crib where i couldn't see him, because there were blankets hung over the side. i thought it was over, but then the baby popped out it's head and arm through a bottom corner of the crib and was trying to grab my bear. he looked evil like fromt he exorcist, but his face was all blue like the zombies in the original Dawn of the Dead movie.
so then i woke up cuz there was a cop outside out building and my boyfriend wanted my nosy little self to get up and watch while he got ready for school.
then i went back to sleep and dreamed that it was nighttime in my apartment. it was labor day night or something, and people were setting off fireworks like 3 inches from my window, so i called 911 and they told me they couldn't do anything to help me because i wasn't because it was labor day. so instead i went to sleep. when i woke up in the morning there was some fair going on outside. my neighborhood in my dream looked nothing like it really does. anyway. it resembled the art festival, but it was a festival celebrating homosexuality. i went down to check it out in my jammies. i was walking around and got a good look at everything, tables and whatnot, then decided to go back to my apartment, which now looked like no building i have ever seen. there was this old man wearing a big purple pimp hat (the kind you can get at 6 flags) and his hat hit me in the face. i said excuse me, and continued to walk towards my building (which was in sight) when the man threw a big brick shaped concrete rock at my head. in my dream it hurt. i turned around and he was still throwing more and screaming "you're going to like me whether you want to or not!" i tried to get to my door withotu being hit but it didn't happen. he was trying to force his way through the glass doors and into the building. somehow i managed to keep him out long enough to get in the elevator and make it up to the third floor. i began to call 911 as i opened the door to my apartment, when the man appeared with more rocks. i forced my way, but i was having a hard time keeping my door shut. they were white french doors. finally the man gave up and said "I'll see you downstairs." i got someone on the phone from 911, but she was in her car, not at work yet, so she couldn't help me. i started crying and the people down the hall (who in my dream was one of the girls i work with) came to comfort me.
then i woke up.

Permalink: strange_dreams_again.html
Words: 686
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/01/04 02:02 - ID#26721
fucked up

why do people have to be so judgmental and critical of everyone all the time? why can't we all just tolerate each others' differences and be civil? i guess i am a dreamer.

Permalink: fucked_up.html
Words: 64
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/01/04 10:22 - ID#26719
mature people in the world
Reply-To : strobascobe@hotmail.com
Sent : Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:46 PM
To :
Subject : your an ass
You've received email from via www.elmwoodstrip.com
hey i am facing my accuser, whats your problem? you don't like my apartments or me call me and tell me 603-0001,i don't know who you are but get a life. I am so glad that you didn't rent to you at that great building.You are trash
Thanks for using www.elmwoodstrip.com.
For security purposes the IP address of the sender was recorded: IP=
[inlink]maidencateyes,12[/inlink] <--a nasty one

Permalink: mature_people_in_the_world.html
Words: 105
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/31/04 09:42 - ID#26718
roller coaster bathroom dreams
Day one: success.
I have one friend in each class that I had yesterday. That is the perfect number. I don't feel totally alone, but I am less likely to become distracted.
The only problem is that one of my classrooms is a [size=m]big[/size] room divided by a skinny wall into two rooms. Of course my friend wanted to sit in the back by the dividing wall. My stupid hearing, I feel really old when I say I have problems hearing and separating multiple sounds that are on the same level, but I do. My teacher talks like a mouse, and the class next door is loud. I may have to sacrifice sitting by my friend in order to hear the teacher.
On a good note, I have already completed all the homework that is due for Wednesday.
Day two: pending.
Today should be just fine. I am wearing my happy time butterfly shirt, which always makes me smile. :) I also have a class with my most favorite teacher. I'll be riding my bike again. I think my helmet is under the bed, but I can't get it because the boy is still sleeping. Let's see how things go.
Why don't Corn Chex taste as good as they used to when I was little? perhaps it's because I now have to buy generic...
14 more days until they ship out my new computer!

Permalink: roller_coaster_bathroom_dreams.html
Words: 263
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/30/04 10:29 - ID#26717
sick to my stomach
[size=m] Everyone is at school!!![/size]
I feel like I should dress nice, since it is the sacred first day of school and everything...but I just don't really feel like I need to be wearing the most stylish clothes in order to sit on my butt for 4 hours and learn. I can learn much more efficiently in my blue jeans and t-shirt.
I think I am going to ride my bike, even though it's been raining. I really hate trying to find a parking spot on that damn campus. Wave if you see me. I'll be the the blonde without the helmet, because it is currently misplaced.
Adieu sweet summer. You and I only had a brief encounter this year. Perhaps I will see you again someday, once the harshness of this city passes.

Permalink: sick_to_my_stomach.html
Words: 190
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/16/04 11:59 - ID#26716
free air?

Permalink: free_air_.html
Words: 30
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/16/04 12:06 - ID#26715
la famille
i'm also excited because i ordered a new video card and it should be coming this week.
i tried to quit my job yesterday but it didn't work. i got talked into staying and just working on weekends during school. i'm not a quitter, i just hate working there sometimes. :(
i really want school to start. i feel like i have wasted my whole summer, and since i didn't really get a vacation i have been really overworked and bored. starting tomorrow should be some fun though. next sunday i am going to the sarah mclachlan concert, which is something i have been waiting to do for 7 years. then the next day we are going to six flags. unfortunately we aren't going to have enough time to go to the fair. other than that i will just watch 8* the olympics.
Go U.S.A.!;)

Permalink: la_famille.html
Words: 203
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/14/04 12:19 - ID#26714
Olympic Ceremony
[inlink]jessbob,38[/inlink] Jessbob
I got upset at first when I happened to turn into the last 15 minutes of the ceremony on the Canadian channel. I got mad because I thought the American channels should be showing it. Then I realized that, yes indeed, channel 2 showed it at 8:00 pm. It had to please the masses of primetime viewing. And I agree with you, Soyeon, it was very touching and beautiful, as it always is.

Permalink: Olympic_Ceremony.html
Words: 74
Location: Buffalo, NY
08/13/04 09:17 - ID#26713
stupid stupid media

Permalink: stupid_stupid_media.html
Words: 48
Location: Buffalo, NY
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