11/22/04 06:09 - ID#23245
Missed this week's OC? BitTorrent it!
So how many of us who are too poor to afford both high-speed internet access AND Tivo get pissed off when we miss the latest episode of our show? Well, chances are it's not only available for download (sometimes before the air date), but it's usually available without commercials.
Yes, I'm probably one of the last people to discover this wonderful technology -- and you CAN use it for more than just d/l-ing TV shows (you can also get software, movies, music, you know.. the usual) -- but for me it has not only saved me a few times when i've missed a show -- it's literally freed me from worrying about either taping a show or being there to watch it. If I miss it, I just go out and get it.
So, being probably one of the few Mac users on the site (I think it's me, (e:twisted) and (e:soyeon)) -- I went to

The PtoP side of this is that once you download the file, you are encouraged to leave your connection open so that you then act as a temporary host of that file for others to download. I don't believe people have access any other downloaded files on your hard drive.
For those who use the PCs and want to get into it, check this site out:

Mail me if you're interested and my instructions are not clear.

Permalink: Missed_this_week_s_OC_BitTorrent_it_.html
Words: 351
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/16/04 10:53 - ID#23244
Florida: What's the big deal?
So my coworker keeps swinging by my desk and saying to me, "I'm going to Florida in 10 days, I'm going to Florida in 10 days, you're going to wish you were there instead of here" -- the funny this is, i won't.
i really have never had a desire to go to Florida -- (perhaps key west, but that's practically another state). There are many reasons for this, but the first ones that come to mind are: i hate humidity, I'm not crazy about high temperatures, mosquitoes piss me off, and i don't like sitting out in the sun for prolonged periods of time. not to mention the state's shaped like a wang (may be a plus for some, not for me).
so tell me, why would i be envious? the only reason I'm even writing about it is because he's been talking about it SO MUCH, I wanted to vent without raining on his parade.

Permalink: Florida_What_s_the_big_deal_.html
Words: 179
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/12/04 12:29 - ID#23243
Okay Paul, so how's this suppose to feel
So I don't know how this is supposed to make me feel? It's kinda like finding out that Santa Claus is a member of NAMBLA, except the other way around.

Permalink: Okay_Paul_so_how_s_this_suppose_to_feel.html
Words: 84
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/11/04 02:20 - ID#23242
thinking in black and white
you make a good point. it's getting more difficult to see that most things have underlying subtleties, and are not just ""one or the other" -- that being said, I fear that we could see the libraries closing down and the bureaucracy STILL bloating. Why there are so many people with so few results is beyond me.
As far as my other comment goes, I have a very pessimistic view of our area and your average Buffalonians. My feeling is that they could give a crap if the libraries close down as long as their beer is cold, chicken wings are plentiful, and Sunday games are not blacked out.
signing off.

Permalink: thinking_in_black_and_white.html
Words: 115
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/11/04 10:43 - ID#23241
The sad state of Buffalo and Erie County
I used to see libraries as nothing more than large collections of antiquated books; filled with card catalogs and smelling of musty encylopedia volumes.
But since I've moved back to Western New York, the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library has become one of my main haunts.
Our libraries are a wonderful resource. Not only do I have regular acess to books I could otherwise not afford, I also have access to a collection of movies and music that rivals a store like Media Play. And with the convenience of internet access to the library's catalog, I'm able to search for and reserve items only moments after thinking about them.
The library would not only be a pity to lose, but it would put a shame on the people of our county if we were to let them close. Are we at a point where the community cares so little about culture and education? Where are our priorities? What kind of city has NO LIBRARIES?!!
I wonder if there would be more public outcry if the city was losing its beloved Buffalo Bills instead.
If you think we're headed in the wrong direction, I urge you all to contact your representatives

As for me, given the choice I would gladly pay the extra penny on the dollar.

Permalink: The_sad_state_of_Buffalo_and_Erie_County.html
Words: 321
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/09/04 06:15 - ID#23240
Right or Rong

Everything on the site is very far to the right -- the more I read it, the more I had issues. Why can I not just look at material from both sides objectively? I want to be able to have an informed opinion, I want to be able have a discussion with (e:jason) without getting all flustered (not that we've had ANY conversations yet). It's too easy to just stand by your opinion and say, "I'm right in what I say and all who oppose me are wrong" -- much more difficult to listen to the other side to make sure you believe what you believe for a reason.
That being said, I STILL think the Tax Cuts are a load of BOLLOCKS and will give any money that I get to someone who REALLY needs it. "Jump start" the economy, my ass. Trickle down THIS!
ya see, I can't help but rant... i'm what you call a yellow-dog democrat (meaning: i'd vote for a yellow dog if it were to run on the democratic ticket).
perhaps i'm angry because the "Protest Warriors" went to san francisco and essentially mocked the protestors there. ugh.

Permalink: Right_or_Rong.html
Words: 236
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/04/04 12:43 - ID#23239
GOP does not spell God.
In regards to your questions about gay rights in the United States, [inlink]kacey,33[/inlink] -- all I can say is that it saddens me that homophobia (or fear of any alternative lifestyle) has become an accepted bigotry.
oh sure, it's fine for people who want to be entertained (I'm guilty of being hooked on "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" myself) -- but for some reason the "moral majority" gets totally threatened when they are confronted with the fact that these are real people with real lives.
Why do these people feel that marriage needs to be defended (an overwhelming amount I might add if you look at the results of all the gay marriage bans that passed*). All that I know is that I'm your typical white-bread hetero married with one kid, one cat and a station wagon -- and gay marriage does not threaten any of who i or my family are. why the hell would it? how COULD it?
The "moral value" argument doesn't cut it -- it makes more sense that many religions originally demonized homsexuality because it wasn't conducive to procreation. this was back when people weren't living much past their 40's. At that time something needed to be done to rebuild the population and religion was the best way to spread that idea. But that just isn't the case any more. Why do people not see that?!! Enough, we have enough people. Gay people are born gay, let them live their lives that way. And yes, they do make DAMN GOOD parents (having known more than my share of gay couples).
I'm very sorry -- but things WILL eventually change and this will be seen in the same light as racial segregation. And I too am nursing the wounds that this country has left by now naming this guy the "Popular President" -- oy!
*it should be noted that many of these gay marriage bans INCLUDED civil unions. Something that isn't as widely known.

Permalink: GOP_does_not_spell_God_.html
Words: 331
Location: Kenmore, NY
11/03/04 01:11 - ID#23238
My final fall ride...
And now, my tranquil ride:

self portrait: idiot staring at bails of hay

Blurry Leaves

Newstead/Clarence Bike path

Yeah, I don't know who was steering the bike in this pic. It wasn't me!

Permalink: My_final_fall_ride_.html
Words: 90
Location: Kenmore, NY
10/29/04 11:13 - ID#23237
It would be funny, were it not true...
What's strange is that someone showed me this from "The Onion" just yesterday

Permalink: It_would_be_funny_were_it_not_true_.html
Words: 57
Location: Kenmore, NY
10/28/04 05:59 - ID#23236
Billionaires for Bush
I'd equate their tactics to what the Guerilla Girls

Permalink: Billionaires_for_Bush.html
Words: 83
Location: Kenmore, NY
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