02/29/04 04:09 - ID#22141
we re not scaremongering
never before have the words 'conveyor belt' been so frightening.
the nytimes reports of a hollywood movie coming out showing climate change attacking the earth..(even though it's not really happening, according to the administration.)
the sky is falling! say hollywood and, yes, the pentagon (http://nytimes.com/2004/02/29/weekinreview/29revk.html)
"The Pentagon study (available at: www.ems.org/climate/pentagon-climate-change.pdf (http://www.ems.org/climate/pentagon-climate-change.pdf)) is not as dramatic as Mr. Emmerich's film, but it was alarming enough that a British newspaper, The Observer, proclaimed: 'The Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us. Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war. '"
this is the actual conclusion of the pentagon paper. don't worry, if you live in the u.s. you ll be ok..until you get to the last sentence:
It is quite plausible that within a decade the evidence of an imminent abrupt climate shift may become clear and reliable...In short, while the US itself will be relatively better off and with more adaptive capacity, it will find itself in a world where Europe will be struggling internally, large number so refugees washing up on its shores and Asia in serious crisis over food and water. Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life.
don't wake me, i plan on sleeping in
again last night i had that strange dream
where everything was exactly how it seemed
concerns about the world getting warmer
people thought that they were just being rewarded
for treating others as theyd like to be treated
for obeying stop signs and curing diseases
for mailing letters with the address of the sender
now we can swim any day in november

Permalink: we_re_not_scaremongering.html
Words: 289
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/28/04 03:39 - ID#22140
a ramble in d minor
we want to start a crafty night, which is composed of a bunches of peoples doing all sorts of craftyness, from knitting to crocheting to beading to making jewelry to paper crafts to decoupage to drawing to sewing to mending to anything else that you would count as being crafty. we want to switch it up from house to house to house and rotate between those locations so that its not just one house. and we want to make flyers and get people to come to each others house and be crafty together. if anyones into all things crafty, lets figure out a night, im into spearheading an effort if i know people want to do it. im tired of talking about it and not doing anything about it.
what a numbskull.
i just discovered that i missed todays critical mass. i hope you all were there anyways. theres always next month. this year i will pull out my blades or quad skates and pay respects to the year when i only skated (and where did all the skateboarders go, wtf) mass. speaking of skates I've also decided that im going to throw a rollerskating party for everyone for my own birfday when it approaches. we ll have ice cream, pizza, a dj spin the tunes, and plenty of games. we'd better start practicing our dance moves. i will be watching my blue-skintight-legging-clad video teacher religiously if anyone wants to join me. for rea

Permalink: a_ramble_in_d_minor.html
Words: 247
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/27/04 11:54 - ID#22139

Permalink: umhmm_.html
Words: 31
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/26/04 04:25 - ID#22138
its beeyooteeful here
anyways i wasnt expecting it to be so warm outside. its so nice. im thinking about jumping on my bike, i can't remember when was the last time i used it was. but to be here all of the sudden, so many things to do. what to do first?
ah, nothing of significance to say at this moment. all sorts of colors and shapes and unwritten words come to mind. righty-o

Permalink: its_beeyooteeful_here.html
Words: 122
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/23/04 02:38 - ID#22137
stupid me
anyways, im at a berkeley co-op house that totally rocks. there's a treehouse outside, built in a way that didn't require cutting any part of the tree, and doesn't impede the tree's growth. but the entire house feels like a treehouse, with all these nooks and crannies everywhere. there's the bubble room, which is a tiny half-room with a huge bubble window overlooking the city. a bike workshop and then the sauna in the basement. i'm so inspired, i can't wait til the buffalo co-op house gets goin.
earlier today we visited another house, where a group of 11 people are jacking up a their house so they can build below the house, as well as above the house. there's a stack of wooden pieces underneath the house holding it up, jenga style. here's are pictures of the jack-up process... (http://barringtoncollective.org/roots/lift.html). besides all the crazy construction, they've just finished building a chicken coop, they have a beautiful yard where everyone's got tents pitched, and there's a geodesic dome, all of the last two covered with liberated billboards.
its pretty amazing what theyre trying to do there, they're basically building a house around an existing house.
i wanna stop by the eucalyptus grove on the way to the co-op that we're staying at. at that house, we're in the 'penthouse' thats lined with windows. the sun will wake us up tomorrow. ok, enough about co-ops..
so a county in new mexico opened its county clerks office doors to same sex marriage. i dno if this is news back home. but here's the (http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/Southwest/02/20/samesex.marriage.nm.ap/).
one day more.. i can't wait to be home..

Permalink: stupid_me.html
Words: 311
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/20/04 04:50 - ID#22136
i fucking love this city
(but this suing the state thing is great. does anyone remember the antimiscegenation laws? it wasn't that long ago that interracial marriage was illegal..
anyways back to what i was sayin. if my heart wasnt in ny and bflo and nyc i think id want to stay here. good thing i have a few more days to get over my crush.
as i finish writing this, the song 'come back from san francisco' just came on. 'come back from san francisco/ it can't be all that pretty/ when all of nyc misses you.' hmm.. anyways i hope everyone is snuggling and keeping warm in b-lo and on da elmwood strip

Permalink: i_fucking_love_this_city.html
Words: 124
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/19/04 01:51 - ID#22135
i cant stop laughing,
sf rocks for so many reasons.. its fun for me to be in the chinatown and see so many later-generations of chinese-americans, not just first generation folks. so many older chinese folks who speak perfect english. its not quite as common in nyc's chinatown. tomorrow we're gna hit japantown. how many cities can claim to have one of those?
i dno if any of you kept up with the news as of late, but they're still granting marriage licenses for "same-sex" marriages at city hall here. they've already married over 2,600 at the start of today, and since two different judges have not ruled to stop city hall officials from doing so, the mayor has pledged to grant licenses until the end of this week (when the next hearing takes place). damn conservative religious groups.. we went to city hall today, and witnessed four couples getting married. it seems like theyre so overloaded with people getting married, they're just marrying all over the lobby and grand staircase of the very beautiful city hall. it was so nice to witness..
time fo' eats foos

Permalink: i_cant_stop_laughing_.html
Words: 230
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/17/04 03:50 - ID#22134
i need you to disprove my theory of the

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Words: 13
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/15/04 01:04 - ID#22133
7:00 p. m. Friday evening February 20 at the Market Arcade a special presentation in the Buffalo Film Seminars: Errol Morris's Academy Award-nominated documentary film Fog of War (2003) (watch the trailer

It is the story of America as seen through the eyes of the former Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara. One of the most controversial and influential figures in world politics, he takes us on an insider's view of the seminal events of the 20th Century.
From the firebombing of 100,000 Japanese civilians in Tokyo in 1945 to the brink of nuclear catastrophe during the Cuban missile crisis to the devastating effects of the Vietnam War, The Fog of War examines the psychology and reasoning of the government decision-makers who send men to war. How were decisions made and for what reason? What can we learn from these historical events?
As American forces occupy Iraq and the possibility of additional military conflict looms large, The Fog of War is essential viewing for anyone who wants to understand how the American government justifies the use of military force. Combining extraordinary archival footage, recreations, newly declassified White House recordings, and an original score by the Oscar nominated composer, Philip Glass, the film is a disquieting and powerful essay on war, rationality, and human nature.
Diane Christian and Bruce Jackson will introduce the film for a few minutes at 7:00 sharp, we’ll watch it, take a short break, and then talk about it with whoever wants to join us.
For more information on Fog of War:
Sony Classics Fog of War website

Errol Morris's website

even tho people didn't dance at soundlab, she's back..
new media punk by lesbian feminist video artist, Wynne Greenwood. Wynne performs as all members in the form of video projections.
+ The Painted Ladies (yeah!) and The Sweater Kittens
@ Access Community Infoshop, 6PM, $6
Located at 3180 Main St. near the University at Buffalo's South Campus right next to the intersection of Windspear and Main Street
email yourtongueandachainsaw@yahoo.com w/ questions.

Permalink: damn.html
Words: 359
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/14/04 03:00 - ID#22132
dont pee your pants.. or the carpet
and knowing is half the battle... (http://www.ebaumsworld.com/gijoe.html)
fire on your sleeve, there's more... (http://www.fenslerfilm.com/?sec=video)

Permalink: dont_pee_your_pants_or_the_carpet.html
Words: 38
Location: Buffalo, NY
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