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11/10/2011 12:57 #55478

the beets
Category: food
I scored big time at a farm not far from my house the other day! Finishing up with their fall harvest they were practically giving stuff away!! :)

I came home with an abundance of winter squash...spaghetti, acorn, buttercup. And have been cooking and freezing them like a mad women. Squash can get pretty pricey at Wegmans off season, so anything to help save some money and cut down my trips to the grocery store.

I also came home with loads of beets. We absolutely love beets at my house...baked, grilled, raw. Even the greens we love. Especially in smoothies!

$8...oh yeah!!

After peeling, chopping/slicing for preserving them I made one of my favorite beet dishes~ Raw Beet Ravioli with Rosemary Cream Sauce~ Yummo!!

Sunflower seed "cheese" filling. Also a great alternative for cream cheese.
tinypliny - 12/07/11 12:43
I am not sure I have a proper hummus making recipe. Sometimes they come out great and sometimes they are passably okay. I like garbanzo beans and anything associated with them too much so nothing is a disaster (unlike some of my other major cooking disasters).
bean - 12/07/11 11:13
It's based on a recipe by Sarma Melngailis (one of my favorite raw food chefs), but I always tweak it depending on what seeds and/or nuts I have on hand. Sunflower seed hummus~ never thought of it like that, but YES! I love it and will have to try that... I make a raw, sprouted garbanzo hummus that is not too great. hahaha. I use the "cheese" on bagels too as a substitute for regular cream cheese.
tinypliny - 11/10/11 20:03
So basically its a sunflower seed based hummus! Lovely!!
tinypliny - 11/10/11 20:01
LOVE the recipés! I am definitely going to try out both. Who would have thought almonds, rosemary and garlic. Just brilliant! Did you invent the recipé??!


And did I say it already? I am so glad you are here!
bean - 11/10/11 19:03
This is the recipe for the Rosemary Cream Sauce...shown spread across the plate in the pic.

3/4 cups of raw almonds, Sprouted with skins peeled off
1 tbls. Lemon juice
1 garlic clove
1 teaspoon minced rosemary
Sea salt and pepper to taste

Blend in food processor adding filtered water until you get the desired consistency
bean - 11/10/11 18:57
Cool! The recipe is as follows...
1 cup of raw, unsalted sunflower seeds, soaked 4-8 hours. I usually soak overnight.
1/4 cup of water
1 tablespoon of vinegar~apple cider, rice..
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 tbls. Lemon juice
1 garlic clove, minced

Blend all ingredients in food processor adding more water if needed

This is just a basic recipe. The garlic could be left out and different herbs added. Less vinegar and/or lemon could be used too. Just depends in your taste.

paul - 11/10/11 18:49
Those are the cutest beet hearts ever!
tinypliny - 11/10/11 16:47
That sounds really tasty! :) And Sunflower seed "cheese" filling?? What is the recipe for that?? Totally intrigued~!
bean - 11/10/11 16:45
Beets are so good for you too! It's really easy to make the heart shape. I slice them thin with a regular mandoline then use a metal- heart shaped cookie cutter on each slice. I toss them with balsamic vinegar and lemon juice to help soften them.
tinypliny - 11/10/11 15:53
So pretty!! How did you cut those heart shapes? Special mandoline?
matthew - 11/10/11 15:13
Mmmm, I love beets.
bean - 11/10/11 12:59
ummm... i'll make sure my pics are the right way next time! :)

11/08/2011 15:07 #55466

avatar sample
Category: just figuring it out...

bean - 11/10/11 12:26
Thank you!! :)
mike - 11/09/11 09:23
Welcome Bean!
tinypliny - 11/08/11 23:28
When you are logged in, drag and drop your new avatar pic into the old avatar space. That will reset your avatar to the new pic. If you want control over the aspect ratio, you may want to resize that picture to 125 X 150 pixels. If you are feeling lazy, (e:strip) will do it for you. :)
metalpeter - 11/08/11 17:53
cool looking picture..... Wish I was more help with Avatar its been so long since I changed mine... Thought you like clicked on the current avatar and got an option to change it and then picked from ones or uploaded from there sorry I can't remember....
matthew - 11/08/11 17:18
That's a great photo. And thank you so much for the card, very thoughtful and you are quite welcome!
bean - 11/08/11 15:11
well, I uploaded a picture...progress. Tried to make it my avatar, but it didn't quite happen for me. hehe. next time maybe!!

11/02/2011 14:54 #55427

Well, good afternoon!
It's so sexy outside...sun shining, warm breeze! Enjoy the wonderful day!
tinypliny - 11/04/11 10:50
OOOH!! It's you! Welcome all over again!

And Chrome, Chrome, Chrome! No other browser comes even close! :)

{Can you tell I am a chrome fan? :~)}
bean - 11/04/11 10:41
Awe, Thank you! I am glad to be here!! :) I will change my avatar soon...which do you recommend Chrome or Firefox?
libertad - 11/03/11 20:59
That's Mrs. Bean, otherwise known as the female Tetris piece.
tinypliny - 11/03/11 19:56
Mr. Bean? :) Welcome!
paul - 11/02/11 20:45
Welcome to estrip. To change you avatar you have to just drag the picture to the avatar spot from your desktop using firefox or chrome. I will add another way when I get a chance.
libertad - 11/02/11 19:01
Hey Bean!!! Glad to see you were able to log in. Where is your avatar? When will you post again? I'm so sad that my mom and I got lost and didn't make it to Allegany. We walked around Hoyt lake