We had to stop at the WalMart because they've killed every other grocery store in a 50 mile radius.
They have everything you want, if what you want is easy access to guns and the multi-cultural Stinky family.

When we got to Jabe later, there were a ton of DEC and state police trucks in the parking lot. Some kayakers that were leaving told us there was a forest fire they were putting out. They had a bunch of pumps taking water up the hill - but we didn't see any smoke, so it must have been out for a while.

After we rowed the supplies over, Paul wrangled up some wood with his new anchor and rope apparatus.

The weather was perfect for swimming already.

Fires and booty warming.

NSFW picture down below! Nackt Maenner! Naked men camping.

my brother looks so much like our dad in the second to last picture