Before we started, there was so much soap foam on the beach. How do people not realize that soap doesn't just disappear, especially in a pond like this?

I started by taking some moist sand and forming the first layer, with sticks for reinforcement. Then I took pine needles and laid them on top of the first wall. (I only remember this technique because my old professor Gasparini was obsessed with it - a French engineer came up with a lot of theories building sand castles

Then I put the second layer on, doubling the height. I realized I should have put a door in, so I tried to carve one out and reinforce a header with some sticks. It's not the greatest, so next time I'll build doors and windows right into it.

Nearby was an abandoned minnow condo project. It's full of dead caterpillars, it really put a damper on the sales.

The last step was decking it out - I asked MFA (e:paul) to decorate it eyetalian style, but the sun was too intense for him.
So I tried my best. You can see the result in his post (e:paul,60206). The castle was named "Schloss Frosch am Meer" or the Frog Castle on the Lake.
Then I took a frog and let him loose in his new castle. He wasn't too happy about it, but at least he was able to escape alive. That's the least an engineer can ask for.
my brother looks so much like our dad in the second to last picture