There's so many islands in the Jabe pond, and the pond itself is huge (151 acres

). So there's a lot to just swim around and take in.
You think there would be a lot of wildlife in a remote place like that, but I think the pine forest really stifles a lot by keeping the water so acidic. It's clean, but there isn't a ton going on.
These caterpillars kept dropping out of the tree on you. A lot of times they were already dead - I'm not sure if they're just lebensmude or if there was some other purpose to them pelting you.
The best places to see animals were on the rocks on the islands. Near our beach, snakes sun themselves in all the little crevices. You don't notice until you've disturbed them and they're slithering away.
Of course there a ton of toads, minnows and frogs slithering around in the day. Surprisingly there are very few mosquitos. There are, however, a ton of crayfish to creep you out when you swim at night.
The wildest thing you'll ever experience at Jabe is the pack of dadbros that convene every labor day weekend. They have their own society across the pond. Maybe one day we'll have to investigate it.
my brother looks so much like our dad in the second to last picture