Joe's Journal
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05/15/2015 14:29 #59992
Short hair don't careCategory: hair
05/11/2015 22:25 #59989
Not so clean airCategory: environment
On our bike ride around town, we came across Montante or whoever they sub out to started to demolish Gates Circle. it was so dusty on Linwood and it wasn't even windy. While I don't think the building is pure asbestos like (e:Paul) no one wants to breath in concrete dust.
I don't know who to report them to if it happens again but I bet their permits rely on mitigating dusts and emissions. I'll make sure to take more pictures next time.
05/08/2015 15:54 #59983
Clean Air Coalition dinnerCategory: dinner
05/03/2015 23:48 #59980
More garden murderCategory: garden
We spent a whole lot more time gardening. (e:terry) and I finished the new garden bed on the hump and (e:paul) finished murdering the wisteria. I woodchipped 5 bags of thorny rosebush and wisteria. I wanted to murder a rosebush of my own by the end.
(e:terry) had made a nice cheesy soup so (e:yesthatcasey) and (e:uchina) joined us for dinner after.
(e:terry) had made a nice cheesy soup so (e:yesthatcasey) and (e:uchina) joined us for dinner after.
05/02/2015 19:38 #59978
Tax free partyCategory: party
Yesterday was (e:Terry)'s post tax season party. things got a little crazy. Masue:uchina prepared everyone's sexual deductions. macaroons were eaten. we even left to get poutine after.
I feel especially bad for the people who live near there. Can you imagine how much dust is probably getting inside their homes? As if dusting wasn't already a tedious job already.