Original article:

NYT Report:

Addiction is a psychological disease. I fail to understand why we are not treating it on a war-footing - or even the same footing as several other relatively milder contagion.
Why are cigarette companies even operating without paying for the health insurance of everyone on this planet? (well... shared equally by alcohol companies and arms and ammunition companies).
To every smoker I know. Please try and quit. At this point, I will be sorry if you die, but I sure as hell won't forgive you if you force the repercussions of your disease on your family, friends and neighbours, knowing well the certainty of this happening.
I did not follow the Links .... I can't say why people start ... But I think that yes it is very tough to quit (I think the holding one thing and what do you do instead of smoking one is a bigger factor then the nicotine ) cause it is a physical Habit also... I think with all drugs there is a you really have to want to quit and not just cause you know it is bad for you.... But you also have to have a new (often it is a less dangerous addiction ) behavior or thing to deal with what the smoking was doing .... As a bad example say you write every day for work or school or what ever and you all ways cross your ts and Dot those i s .... Then the rules change and you can't your body tells you to with out you thinking and then you have to tell that automatic response to not happen and I think that is one of the problems with smoking is peoples hands miss that ???
What's completely disgusting to me is the way the US tobacco industry has attempted to offset losses from declining smoking rates in the states by directly marketing cigarettes to children in poorer countries, where restrictions don't exist. They know that their product is killing people, and they understand why we try to prevent kids from smoking. Yet they ignore all that evidence to make big money. Evil.