Tinypliny's Journal
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09/05/2012 19:04 #56737
Move it...Category: tourism
09/05/2012 15:57 #56736
Highline to homeCategory: tourism
09/05/2012 12:13 #56735
The making of a savory dreamCategory: eating out
Crepes down the street...

paul - 09/08/12 19:32
How can someone not pose for tinypliny when she gets so enthusiastic.
How can someone not pose for tinypliny when she gets so enthusiastic.
metalpeter - 09/07/12 17:29
If he posed for you with the thumbs up that is really cool :)
If he posed for you with the thumbs up that is really cool :)
09/04/2012 16:33 #56733
Goodbye GoodbyeCategory: buffalo
So long and thank you for all your heart...

metalpeter - 09/07/12 17:24
You will be missed ...... That does look like a lot of food..... Stay in touch....
You will be missed ...... That does look like a lot of food..... Stay in touch....
tinypliny - 09/05/12 16:49
Thanks so much! :) I will try and be like that uncle in fraggle rock... :::link:::
Thanks so much! :) I will try and be like that uncle in fraggle rock... :::link:::
paul - 09/05/12 00:51
I was waiting for those pictures.
Ya, we will miss you. Cannot wait to hear about your adventures in gene research land.
I was waiting for those pictures.
Ya, we will miss you. Cannot wait to hear about your adventures in gene research land.
mrmike - 09/04/12 19:25
Safe journeys, Tiny, but just because you aren't here, doesn't mean you can't be "here." Estrip has no boundaries, stay in touch
Safe journeys, Tiny, but just because you aren't here, doesn't mean you can't be "here." Estrip has no boundaries, stay in touch
08/25/2012 01:46 #56707
Crapple.Category: i-tech
Depressing news from the courts today - where jurors think "a rectangle with rounded corners" is worth awarding $1.5 Billion to the eternally thieving Cr-Apple.
For shame.
I swear no crapple product will cross my threshold or get ANY of my money ever. Its WRONG to use legal loopholes and the ignorance of a technically challenged and biased jury to level competition. This is what a bully does. First steal all possible pre-existing designs, then use intensive PR to pass it all off as if you "invented" the entire thing, recruit sheep who clearly have no independent thought and then play these sheep to find in your favor.
Today is a dark day that clearly shows just how backwards the legal system in the US is and how any company, given enough PR efforts can effectively obscure their own shady thieving past to make people believe that they own all of their designs. "Original look and feel"?! What a load of crap(ple).
Apple, I hope people realize how much of a bullying fraud you are some day. You are a disgrace to the future of technology.
(e:Paul), I know you are pretty fond of your new toy but Crapple is now clearly the new Micro$oft. Same rotten techniques and the same loathsome tactics to suppress open-source innovation. I am having some trouble understanding how you can forgive the atrocities that Cr-apple is heaping on the FOSS community enough to buy from them again. I am starting to view them as a feudal cult-following fiefdom of sheep.
There is also a slight ironic edge to all this legal warring that Crapple is heaping in the courts. I read somewhere that the iphone contains many components that are made by Samsung. It could be that Crapple has just bitten the hand that feeds it raw materials. I wonder what the repurcussions would be...
For shame.
I swear no crapple product will cross my threshold or get ANY of my money ever. Its WRONG to use legal loopholes and the ignorance of a technically challenged and biased jury to level competition. This is what a bully does. First steal all possible pre-existing designs, then use intensive PR to pass it all off as if you "invented" the entire thing, recruit sheep who clearly have no independent thought and then play these sheep to find in your favor.
Today is a dark day that clearly shows just how backwards the legal system in the US is and how any company, given enough PR efforts can effectively obscure their own shady thieving past to make people believe that they own all of their designs. "Original look and feel"?! What a load of crap(ple).
Apple, I hope people realize how much of a bullying fraud you are some day. You are a disgrace to the future of technology.
(e:Paul), I know you are pretty fond of your new toy but Crapple is now clearly the new Micro$oft. Same rotten techniques and the same loathsome tactics to suppress open-source innovation. I am having some trouble understanding how you can forgive the atrocities that Cr-apple is heaping on the FOSS community enough to buy from them again. I am starting to view them as a feudal cult-following fiefdom of sheep.
There is also a slight ironic edge to all this legal warring that Crapple is heaping in the courts. I read somewhere that the iphone contains many components that are made by Samsung. It could be that Crapple has just bitten the hand that feeds it raw materials. I wonder what the repurcussions would be...
metalpeter - 08/26/12 11:11
Wish I knew enough about this to say anything... The thing with apple is they for sure sell the cool factor... What I can say is this Any tech stuff that is good wasn't just one person. There are idea people and then people who work out kinks and then the entire legal side of whom really owns it goes way past me.. But I don't think some guy at Samsung worked at apple and stole the tech if that was the case he would have been sued and locked up in jail.. Based on the samsung ads they really bash apple a lot.. They don't say apple but you know that is whom they are talking about..If you have ever seen the sleep out line ads you know what I mean... I think what this lawsuit will do is hurt apple cause now who would want to work with them at all.. I wouldn't....
Wish I knew enough about this to say anything... The thing with apple is they for sure sell the cool factor... What I can say is this Any tech stuff that is good wasn't just one person. There are idea people and then people who work out kinks and then the entire legal side of whom really owns it goes way past me.. But I don't think some guy at Samsung worked at apple and stole the tech if that was the case he would have been sued and locked up in jail.. Based on the samsung ads they really bash apple a lot.. They don't say apple but you know that is whom they are talking about..If you have ever seen the sleep out line ads you know what I mean... I think what this lawsuit will do is hurt apple cause now who would want to work with them at all.. I wouldn't....
Some how I missed this post the first time odd.......
That is because I was at the festival of arts. :^D It was my last weekend in Buffalo.
Eee! Where are you off to now? I could have sworn I just saw you down at the Elmwood Festival of the Arts! Are you finally all done, defended, and M-form'ed (or whatever RPCI calls it)?
It will feel so good to settle down again.