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01/29/2015 23:41 #59799

Snowboarding at Holimont
I hope I will never ride at Holiday Valley again.

Holimont is worlds better. While I assumed night riding took its toll on conditions at Holiday Valley, I always thought the region played its part as well. That's been disproved, as the trails were almost as good as any mountain resort I've been too. And now I know it isn't as inaccessible as I previously thought it was.

I'm wondering how accurate the speeds are on this app I use:


While I definitely went faster than any runs at HV last year, I don't think my first runs had my fastest stints. Those occurred when we did some blacks later in the day. But the early runs, where I hit the 40's, were almost a straight line down so I think it has trouble pinpointing actual speed and relies on the time from the top to the bottom. Lesson Learned: beeline it during my next trip to see if I can hit 50.

Put up a YouTubes in case anyone wants to listen to a wind tunnel for 2 mins, and see what happened to someone else that tried to hit 50:


joe - 01/30/15 19:41
That video is insane. I kind of want to try it now.

What happened to the guy who crashed?
YesThatCasey - 01/30/15 03:16
Woops, should be public now.

I'm definitely a speed junkie on the slopes. Might try some other apps next time I'm out to see if the numbers are consistent.
joe - 01/30/15 02:21
Holy crap I didn't know you ski that fast. Video is private though ;(

08/02/2014 04:06 #59261

When people ask me about the allure of comics...
joe - 08/02/14 12:15
Where's the fire?!

07/19/2014 18:13 #59215

awesome street art on Allen

Rochester has an amazing street art initiative via I would love to see the same here, and this piece is one of my favorite local ones.

tinypliny - 07/24/14 03:46
There is no such site called !
joe - 07/22/14 01:42
Also thanks for posting :D
joe - 07/22/14 01:41
That is awesome. I can't tell why but the ones on wall therapy seem so much nicer than the recent ones on Allen. Maybe it's because they seem to encompass the whole wall.
tinypliny - 07/19/14 21:29
Every city should have street art! That is AMAZING!

If you ever go to Lisbon, I think you would love all the art on the streets there!
metalpeter - 07/19/14 21:22
I like that you like that art and it is pretty cool and I'm not bashing it I'm just use to the stuff that was on that wall before that.... It was tough to get a good picture of with all the trees in the lot.... I don't know if they got rid of them so you could see it or because they knew they where going to have new art take its place .... Do you know if this ties in with the other recent art added ... Cause I'll get bashed for this but I think the art the mural on the side of hardware was better but that is just me :) but this does look great

04/07/2014 23:42 #58879

Last trip to Cali










iriesara - 04/09/14 19:36
What theater is that?
metalpeter - 04/09/14 18:24
Nice Photos
joe - 04/09/14 12:32
Nice pictures. It makes me want to swim in the ocean someday.

That looks like Whole Foods to me. (e:paul) has you addicted.

tinypliny - 04/08/14 03:31
Those are some beautiful colours! :-)

03/26/2014 00:13 #58833

Life questions
Do you drain the oil that forms on Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Humus?

Is there etiquette surrounding topping consumption when groups are sharing Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Humus?

Is it possible to sustain yourself eating nothing other than Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Humus with Tostitos multigrain scoops?

What if I added vodka and a mixer to that diet?

What is the appropriate bag to hummus ratio?

Why am I out of Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Humus?


Oh, I'm not...does this provide evidence that I have a problem?


Is there a shorthand version for Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Humus?

If there is, does that increase the chances of a support group for Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Humus addicts?

Why am I still talking about Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Humus?

Especially when I could be using this time to eat Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Humus?

Also, Mike and Alex in a picture of oddly horrible idea what I did to cause that

ExBuffalonian - 03/26/14 11:20
If you ever happen to be visiting Baltimore, you really need to visit Baba's Mediterranean Kitchen if you love hummus that much (like I do).
They feature a new specialty flavor each month. For March, as an example, they're making curried roasted red pepper. My favorite was being offered a couple months ago, spicy peanut. And every October it's always pumpkin hummus. Their ghannouge, dolmas, and zucchini fries also rock the house as well. When I began living in the same neighborhood, I made a point to get dinner there at least once a week. It's really that good and addictive, like Sabra Roasted Pine Nut Humus apparently is to you. One thing, though. They have a slogan (and even sell T-shirts with it printed on them) that says, "Friends don't let friends eat store-bought hummus." That's kind of an assy thing to say, maybe, but it shows how much pride they take in the hummus they sell.