I've been off for almost a week now, in between the end of my contract and the start of my full time job at Roswell. I thought I would have actually tried and taken the time off, unlike my last break - but I've been working on other programming projects instead. Today I finally found out I start on Monday. Woop. I'm super pumped to see how this goes.
Being home during the day is pretty boring, since I'm the only one off, so today I went and worked at (e:terry)'s office.
At least it's been snowy - I don't feel like I'm burning sunlight.
Joe's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/20/2014 23:38 #59594
Days offCategory: work
11/20/2014 00:04 #59593
Finally snowedCategory: weather
11/18/2014 13:18 #59590
Sorry not sorry, Dj Lulu BuffaloCategory: buffalo
11/16/2014 16:40 #59586
Court Street bridgeCategory: rochester
Today we continued our tour with a vosit to tbe court Street bridge, where Rochester used TK have a subway run across the river. Now its a creepy, debris filled cave. So cool. I'm not one for most grafitti but the kind in there was so well done.
In the bridge you can climb on all sort of walls and look out over downtown. The car traffic of the bridge echoes above you. The further you go, the darker and drippier the cave gets. I feel like so many awesome events could happen in here.
It reminds me of the Buffalo downtown tunnels that I still want to visit. anyone know a good entrance?



In the bridge you can climb on all sort of walls and look out over downtown. The car traffic of the bridge echoes above you. The further you go, the darker and drippier the cave gets. I feel like so many awesome events could happen in here.
It reminds me of the Buffalo downtown tunnels that I still want to visit. anyone know a good entrance?



metalpeter - 12/20/14 22:23
Looks like a great place to film a Movie .... You know how like they have that grimy area or even like a music video .....
Looks like a great place to film a Movie .... You know how like they have that grimy area or even like a music video .....
tinypliny - 11/21/14 11:39
I also wonder what hideous disease is hiding in those stagnant pools of water. Maybe they all die out because of the cold but whol knows...
I also wonder what hideous disease is hiding in those stagnant pools of water. Maybe they all die out because of the cold but whol knows...
tinypliny - 11/20/14 18:02
I wonder if artist travel to Rochester especially to paint on those walls...
I wonder if artist travel to Rochester especially to paint on those walls...
11/16/2014 16:37 #59585
Night out in RochesterCategory: going out
last night we headed out for a tour of the night people with Masumi. After a Lebanese dinner, complete with Casio midi music, we went out. we started at a hipster bar for a drink before moving on to a bear bar. Then we ended up at Tilt, Rochester's Marcella's. They all seemed nicer than the Buffalo equivalents but maybe it was because we were playing tourist.
At Tilt we got a whole bunch more dancing in.

At Tilt we got a whole bunch more dancing in.

tinypliny - 11/21/14 11:39
I miss pizza from panaros.
I miss pizza from panaros.
Heh, you start on the grand week of holidays :)