Joe's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/01/2014 18:31 #59531
Empty boxesCategory: environment
(e:terry) ordered his Chun-Li costume off party city's website. They thought this box was reasonable for a flat, unbreakable costume:
11/01/2014 18:29 #59530
Cemetery bike rideCategory: bikes
10/26/2014 23:59 #59526
Phipps Conservatory pt IICategory: pittsburgh
(e:paul) and I got to see the garden again, this time with (e:terry) and with a lot more in bloom! The sustainable building was done too - it didn't have much function but the net-zero energy usage is freaking awesome.

Stop and sniff

My absolute favorite is the orchid room. So many amazing smells, especially this one which smelled like white chocolate.

Starfruit - I want to try one



Stop and sniff

My absolute favorite is the orchid room. So many amazing smells, especially this one which smelled like white chocolate.

Starfruit - I want to try one



metalpeter - 11/02/14 19:09
Some Great Pictures
Some Great Pictures
10/26/2014 23:40 #59525
Hot Mass and Lucky'sCategory: pittsburgh
After Tuneyards, we had the most ridiculous night. Booty abounded.
We started off at Luck'ys again which was cool, but not as packed at before. It still had the dive bar, dance-floor-is-gonna-cave feel that I wish Buffalo had.
On the way out, we passed this bail bonds place with an upstairs that (e:paul) and I had wondered about before - turns out it was a bathhouse with a huge rave going on underneath. It was called Hot Mass - Paul has already written about it but it was the one of the best parties I've ever been to (or smelled).

Outside the rave they were playing Judge Judy. Real strange.
We started off at Luck'ys again which was cool, but not as packed at before. It still had the dive bar, dance-floor-is-gonna-cave feel that I wish Buffalo had.
On the way out, we passed this bail bonds place with an upstairs that (e:paul) and I had wondered about before - turns out it was a bathhouse with a huge rave going on underneath. It was called Hot Mass - Paul has already written about it but it was the one of the best parties I've ever been to (or smelled).

Outside the rave they were playing Judge Judy. Real strange.
you guys are so much braver then I driving ridding through there and then taking pics .............