Joe's Journal
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10/26/2014 23:15 #59522
Brown sugar squashCategory: food
(e:Paul) cooked up some squash tonight. It was amazing enough just cooked by itself but we put some brown sugar and butter on top. Yum.

10/26/2014 23:15 #59521
Dehording for the partyCategory: house
We spent most of the day today cleaning for this weekend. I think we actually made progress on dehoarding - the back hall is finally clean. On the otherhand we disturbed so many scooters and spiders from their old homes - good thing you moved out yesterday (e:mike).

This back hall window has two different lock parts that don't match up. Jamming a blue cap in it seemed to fix it.

This back hall window has two different lock parts that don't match up. Jamming a blue cap in it seemed to fix it.
paul - 10/29/14 00:11
This should be a blue advertisement.
This should be a blue advertisement.
10/26/2014 23:14 #59520
Dog days if TiharCategory: pets
This weekend I dog sat Midnight for my parents. I really miss him sometimes, but even just seeing him I have to shower and change or else (e:paul) is allergic. :( Still my best bud. I probably was at my parent's for 10 hours this weekend, and walked him for 4 or 5.

It was also the day of Tihar, the Hindu dog festival. In Nepal, they celebrate with all dogs, even strays, by feeding them, making them flower necklaces and coloring their schnozzes with pigment. It's a holiday I could get on board with.

It was also the day of Tihar, the Hindu dog festival. In Nepal, they celebrate with all dogs, even strays, by feeding them, making them flower necklaces and coloring their schnozzes with pigment. It's a holiday I could get on board with.

10/26/2014 23:14 #59518
Mike and Dave's new houseCategory: house
We all helped out (e:mike) and (e:libertad) move into their new pad. It's weird to see Mike move out - I got used to him as a roommate.
The new house is so cute - both the location and the house itself. It seemed like there were so many new families that had were moving or just moving in too - I can't think of many places in Buffalo like that.

Got to meet Dave's family, who also helped

So much of the woodwork was untouched

The giant walnut tree - gonna be sad when Mike paves it over

(e:yesthatcasey) goes ass to ass with a cat

Masumi got a turn too

Cute neighbor hund
The new house is so cute - both the location and the house itself. It seemed like there were so many new families that had were moving or just moving in too - I can't think of many places in Buffalo like that.

Got to meet Dave's family, who also helped

So much of the woodwork was untouched

The giant walnut tree - gonna be sad when Mike paves it over

(e:yesthatcasey) goes ass to ass with a cat

Masumi got a turn too

Cute neighbor hund
metalpeter - 11/02/14 19:36
Congrats the place looks great
Congrats the place looks great
ExBuffalonian - 10/29/14 10:22
Congratualtions on the new home!
Congratualtions on the new home!
paul - 10/29/14 00:12
Cute house
Cute house
10/26/2014 23:11 #59517
Mickey's HalloweenCategory: halloween
(e:yesthatcasey), (e:steve), Masumi, (e:terry) and I went to Mickey and (e:robert)'s Halloween party Friday night. It was ridiculous. Terry was a mime and I went as Paul - naked, basically. I met a bunch of new people who hopefully will be coming next week,

Gettin some dino-onsie tail

Terry braiding Frida's hair

I'm not sure what was with the dress, but there it is

Gettin some dino-onsie tail

Terry braiding Frida's hair

I'm not sure what was with the dress, but there it is

Robert - 10/31/14 00:54
Great photos! can't wait for yours tomorrow night.
Great photos! can't wait for yours tomorrow night.
I LOVE roasted squash! So tasty!!!!