Finding a way up was always easier than finding a way down. Sometimes we had to jump like flying squirrels to the next rock and hope we could get down there.
At the end of the day, we drove over to the loop at the end of Little Rock City Road. Here there were even bigger rocks, and these gaping chasms in the ground you could walk through. It was practically speulunking at this point. Unfortunately my phone died - but (e:Paul) got some pics.
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Cute little mushrooms

Butt rocks

Climbing between these two was the most terrifying I think. It was the only time I think I felt dizzy looking down.

This tree was huge, and had remnants of a ladder. Was it the world's best tree house at some point?

Another little red eff - we almost stepped on him

Beast mode

Afterwards, we headed out to Taj Grill to belatedly celebrate Terry's birthday with my parents.
Haha, I love that pic of me and Mike. Laughing is good!
Masumi. Japanese? Philippine?