So on Friday I decided I was going to fix it. At first I tried taking off the back, but quickly realized you couldn't access the drum from there. It did give me a chance to clean it out though.
So I looked it up and found a guide for Kenmore 500 series dryers here

When I took it off, I found the drive belt on the drum was completely slack. So I took the drum out, and found the belt tensioner was on the ground and the belt was connected to nothing. So I cleaned out the machine, put the drum and tensioner in , and reconnected the belt, making sure it was on the wear line. It took about an hour, but the dryer definitely works.
Here is a diagram from the website:

I definitely feel like I could be an appliance repairman if I needed to.

Heheh.. I had to look up at the address bar to see if I was again in Paul's journal. :) Clearly, you are peas from the same diy pod.