(e:terry) and I went on a bike ride after getting our hair did. Terry wanted a cannoli so we stopped at the Italian festival for a bit. For once the stands were a little less fair and a little more Italian food.

The cannoli were so amazing. We also got an eggplant roll up and free cheese samples. Yum.

Making it rain on them ho's.

The crowd was not very Italian but is North Buffalo even Italian anymore?

Jewel of India served lasagna and pasta. I wonder if they were forced to have an Italian menu.

The city of Buffalo would like you to recycle the crap they are handing out.
They're 100% real.
I can't decide if that story is disgusting or hilarious. Maybe a little bit of both. I guess you could have a garden year round that way.
Are the plants in the trash garden plastic?
I remember a few years back in the evening before the Garden Walk started, I saw one of the neighbours on Pearl St frantically at work sticking in random plants in his front yard. Overnight, the terribly neglected front yard got a ridiculously good-looking facelift. If you looked closely, you could tell it was all plastic. But that didn't stop many visitors from heaping wonderment on the perfect plastic tulips the next day.
What was pathetically funny was all the neighbours who had actually toiled through the summer to get real gardens getting beat out by the bloke who planted an overnight plastic one.