The boarded up and paved house next to the Hill Hotel on Franklin now has a sign from Sinatra that "luxury apartments" are now coming to the property. I wonder if he's behind the LLC that boarded up the house and paved the lawn? But finally! I can't believe it's sat vacant for so long.
If this is true I can't imagine the Hill hotel is going to be the way it is much longer.
On one hand I hate the owner for putting nothing into it and letting it rot (the Erie County Real tax site says Richard A Panicali is in care of trust that owns it). It's one of the worst properties in Allentown (how long has that busted Porsche been rotting there?). Any sort of renovation or improvement would make the street and Allentown so much nicer. Maybe it would even kick off development on the parking lots all down the street.
On the other hand I do feel sorry for some of the residents if they get kicked out for nicer housing. There aren't many low cost housing options this central to everything. And the fact that the owner has put zero into it and could probably turn a huge profit by selling it makes me sick.
"Everyone got to sketch them out" -- as in make a sketch drawing?!