Are they about to demolish the burned out building on Franklin near Allen? They've started to remove the asbestos. I hope not. The block looks bad enough with all the parking lots and I'm sure this would just become another. Imagine this building gone, and the boarded up yellow one next to Hill Hotel demolished too. The street would be empty.
(e:paul) and I looked at the building and it's really three separate ones - an originial house, an added on storefront and then a cinder block rear building.
06/26/2014 12:01 #59120
Presto! Cafe Category: food
On Monday, (e:terry) and I went to Presto for lunch. The space was huge, almost too big. The food seemed fresh and decent, but it was really bland. Maybe next time if we get the vegetarian nachos, we'll need to bring some Lloyd's sauce.
joe - 07/01/14 18:08 They were good but they could have had spice. And the falafel wrap was on a pita.
KaraAudley - 07/01/14 05:18 The nachos looks good, and is that a soft taco?
06/26/2014 12:00 #59119
A missing sock Category: house
When we got back from camping this weekend, we found a huge puddle of soapy water flooding the basement. (E:Paul) and I tried to figure out why every time it ran, water would flow out the soap dispenser. it turns out there was a clog - (e:terry) found this beat up sock plugging the fill line to the tub. Too bad it wasn't my ring.
joe - 06/26/14 23:54 Correction: (e:Paul) found the sock. Terry just watched a video about it.
06/26/2014 11:59 #59118
Brushwood And Allegahny Category: camping
We went down and camped in Brushwood on Friday and Alleghany on Saturday. The fireflies at both places were really amazing, although we were a little early for the synchronous ones. I would have loved to stay at Alleghany more.
It was so freaking dark when we walked for the fireflies there. It's insane when the only light your eyes can pick up are from their glow, and you have no idea where you're actually walking.
The weather was amazing, although we didn't have time to swim.
06/25/2014 14:18 #59114
Monster truck Category: cars
We rented a giant Ford SUV to go camping, and carry all our friends and our things down to Brushwood. While I'm sure it was more efficent than taking multiple cars, it was my worst nightmare to be in it.
(e:paul) took right to it. Air conditioned seats, satellite radio porn and 15 miles per gallon. America, fuck yeah. It runs on freedom and a bald eagle's tears.
tinypliny - 06/26/14 12:33 I think that might be my upstairs neighbour broadcasting.
paul - 06/26/14 08:52 I still can't believe there is porn radio.
They were good but they could have had spice. And the falafel wrap was on a pita.
Welcome to (e:strip)!
The nachos looks good, and is that a soft taco?