Joe's Journal
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06/28/2014 16:30 #59132
Temporary recipeCategory: computers
06/28/2014 13:08 #59130
Dudley beardCategory: fashion
(e:Paul) and I got bored and shaved my beard. it looks like the mix between Dudley from Street Fighter and some 1890's gentleman. I'm not sure I can pull it off but he does. It's definitely gay enough for Provincetown.

06/28/2014 13:05 #59129
Andy C at dniprioCategory: dancing
06/28/2014 12:36 #59128
Lake Erie fishCategory: environment
I know that (e:Paul) told me you're allowed to eat some fish from the lake, but it still grosses me out. People were pulling their fish from this disgusting raft of foam. It rained the day before and there was a film of sewage. Scrody.

06/26/2014 13:25 #59122
Mike's special offerCategory: random
Playboy not only knows the demographics of (e:mike), but this whole household. I was so sick of paying full retail.

kinda makes you look like you are either a movie villain or you need like an 1800's suit ..... but as long as you like it that is what matters not what we think ....